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Showing posts from May, 2010

5 Tips for Effective Political Blogging

This is as much for the benefit of my other contributors here at The Humble Libertarian as it is for all of you readers who have blogs of your own or contribute to blogs like The Daily Paul or Campaign for Liberty . The Leadership Institute 's has 5 tips for effective political blogging , and they are in short: frequency, links, graphics, wit, and brevity. W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

Live Show Tonight - The Humble Libertarian's Summer Kickoff Event

How's this for transparency? I wanted to have a meeting with The Humble Libertarian 's contributors about our mission for The Humble Libertarian and our Summer plan to make it happen, and after considering some possible teleconferencing options, I decided to just broadcast the meeting live on BlogTalkRadio because you listeners are a major part of this, are invested (both financially and politically) in this, and are the key to our success. This is about mobilizing and equipping you to take the message and political agenda of libertarianism to the world around you so that we can all live in a more free, prosperous, and peaceful world. Join us live tonight at 8:00 pm Central Time by visiting this page to stream the program live to your computer . The call-in number is 646.929.2657 Thanks so much! Wes W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

Headline Roundup (5/30/10)

Today's headline roundup includes a look at today's savvy young entrepreneurs, Obama's assent to the startling U.N. Small Arms Treaty to take away your handguns, more racism from the "progressive" left, a hilarious parody of Congressional micromanagement, a sobering look at the national debt, an expensive milestone for the wars in the Middle East, a mea culpa from the military for the civilian deaths of dozens of Afghans this February, and two examples of what I'm starting to suspect is an epidemic of police stupidity and ineptitude. Meet the new young millionaires: "Forget Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The founders of Facebook, YouTube, and other upstart companies are shaking up the business world -- and making millions along the way." 2nd Amendment Alert! Is Barack Obama about to team up with the United Nations to take your guns away? "This week, the Obama administration announced its support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty . Thi...

No Shame: The Case Against Mitt Romney

Editor's note - In the following book review of No Apology: The Case for American Greatness by Mitt Romney (323 pages, $26.95), The Humble Libertarian 's Carl Wicklander takes a critical look at the deep internal contradictions and phony intellectualism of one of the GOP's unlikely darlings (the architect of RomneyCare, a universal, single-payer system which formed the model for ObamaCare). With a great deal of humor and wit, Wicklander deftly exhibits the hollowness of Romneyism in the book review below (not that Romney made it difficult for him). It’s hard to imagine a worse presidential contender than Mitt Romney. Yet, he nearly won the 2008 Republican presidential nomination and whether conservatives will admit it or not, Romney is the most likely member of the party to win the nomination in 2012. The flip-flopping, status quo defending, conventional wisdom-spouting pol is certainly viewed as “safe” and “electable” by the Republican establishment and as a “toler...

Headline Roundup (5/29/10)

Today's headline roundup includes more questions and no new answers in Obama's evolving SestakGate scandal, another exception to Obama's transparency promises, child fingerprinting in the U.K. to check out library books, an indictment of the party duopoly's "mainstream" insanity, a touching video, two examples of Anti-Constitutionalism, the rightful pardon of two homosexuals jailed in Malawi for the "crime" of getting engaged, and 25 years of lies from the Associated Press. More questions and no new answers in the brewing "SestakGate" scandal- allegations that the Obama Administration made an illegal job offer as a bribe to Congressman Joe Sestak in exchange for not challenging Obama-supporter Arlen Specter in the recent Democratic U.S. Senate primary. Transparency- not: Remember back when people actually took Obama's transparency promises seriously? More stonewalling from the White House - this time on inquiries into the causes of t...

Rasmussen Poll: 80% Favor Auditing the Fed

"Eighty percent (80%) of Americans now agree with Congress that auditing the Federal Reserve Board is a good idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just nine percent (9%) oppose an audit of the Fed, and 12% more are not sure." So why hasn't Congress ACTED yet!!? Matt Collins , Regular Columnist Articles | Author's Page

Relevant Reverence: Indie-Rock Music From a Christian Libertarian

There seem to be two major “religious” sides in the American Libertarian community. Ayn Rand vs. Jesus. And while I’m a proud political Randian, it’s my Christian faith that started me down a path looking for a consistent political philosophy to match it. For those of you with similar stories, I wanted to shamelessly plug my latest musical effort. “The Fallen Cry” is my band’s attempt to bring back honesty to the worship experience in the Americanized Church. Unlike today’s wholly positive anthems, David’s original Psalms ranged the full spectrum of human emotions, including frailty, weakness and doubt. Yet, we avoid these, and instead sing along to song lyrics that don’t always reflect the reality of our hearts. If you like indie-rock instrumentalism and hate typical church music, visit and listen to a few tracks off the new record. And as a special offer, if you decide to buy the album on iTunes , e-mail me your receipt at, and ...

Headline Roundup (5/28/10)

Today's headline roundup includes updates on the evolving "SestakGate" scandal (was Bill Clinton involved?), the U.K.'s enthusiastic reception of the iPad's launch, some very unsettling news about the Census Bureau and ObamaCare, the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the EPA's unconstitutional bid to become our dictators, a look at the upcoming X-Men prequel, an absolutely crucial video about the banking crisis, and something that would be so cute if it weren't so sad. Originally posted at Young Americans for Liberty : Culture of Corruption: Joe Sestak isn't the only Democrat claiming that the Obama Administration illegally offered him a job as a bribe not to run in the country's recent U.S. Senate primaries. Clinton, Obama- Partners in Crime? "Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be op...

Subpoenaed traffic cameras didn't show up to court!

Apparently an attorney tried to face his accuser in court by subpoenaing the traffic cameras that automatically generated him a ticket. The cameras did not show up in court. The hilarity ensued! Read the entire story here . Matt Collins , Regular Columnist Articles | Author's Page

Illegal Immigation: Libertarians vs Paleocon

Check out this video of Jack Hunter vs Don Boudreaux in a discussion over illegal immigration. Personally, I see valid points on both sides of the discussion. I see illegal immigration as trespassing. However I also understand that a free market in labor should exist and that the government is not the best entity to determine the supply of labor necessary to meet demand. Watch video here . Regardless of whatever happens, turning the country into a police state (REAL-ID, E-Verify, PASS-Act) to deal with the illegal immigration issue is not acceptable. Matt Collins , Regular Columnist Articles | Author's Page

Culture of Corruption: Second Democrat Claims Obama Offered Him A Job

Has Barack Obama's corrupt, Chicago-style politics finally caught up with him ? Joe Sestak isn't the only Democrat claiming that the Obama Administration illegally offered him a job as a bribe not to run in the country's recent U.S. Senate primaries. There's also Andrew Romanoff in Colorado : On Sept. 27, 2009, the Denver Post reported that the Obama administration offered Senate candidate Romanoff a position if he canceled plans to run for the Democratic nomination against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet. The paper said the job offer, which specified particular jobs, reportedly was delivered by Jim Messina, Obama’s deputy chief of staff. One position the Post cited was a job at USAID, the foreign aid agency. Messina contacted Romanoff soon after news leaked in August 2009 that Romanoff, former Colorado House speaker, would make a primary run against Bennet. Romanoff turned down the offer and announced his candidacy. Obama then endorsed Bennet, who had been appoin...

Young Americans (Video)

Here's a little video I made yesterday for Young Americans for Liberty . In my opinion, one of the very most important things the libertarian movement in the United States can do is reach university students, who are bright, intelligent, savvy, hardworking, and intuitively see that something has gone terribly wrong with our society. They will be our nation's future, and they are the most receptive to our movement's ideas. Check it out: If you enjoyed this video- please spread it far and wide! W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

Could Governor Gary Johnson Become President?

The question is asked . To find out more about Gary Johnson, the small business owner-turned Republican Governor of New Mexico for eight years in the 1990s, visit Our America Initiative , and see what solutions he has to bring to the table. Matt Collins , Regular Columnist Articles Author's Page

Headline Roundup (5/26/10)

Today's roundup covers Obama's most recent and very serious corruption scandal, more lies from the government about job creation, the unintended consequences of Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown, the Republicans' dire lack of solutions or substance, a cheap jab at Dick Cheney (but those are so fun), reasons why Facebook users are considering leaving, the national debt passing the 13 trillion dollar mark, and some libertarian solutions to fix our out-of-control health care system. Re-posted from Young Americans for Liberty : Corruption: Has Barack Obama committed an impeachable offense? Congressman Joe Sestak claims that he was offered a job by the Obama Administration to stay out of the Democratic Senate Primary with Obama-supporter Arlen Specter. Lies: Two more census workers blow the whistle and claim that they have been repeatedly fired and re-hired so that the Census can report the "creation of more new jobs" to the Labor Department. U...

Did Barack Obama Commit A Felony?

The World Net Daily reports : "The controversy revolves around an oft-repeated statement by Rep. Sestak, D-Pa., that he had been offered a job by the Obama administration in exchange for dropping out of the senatorial primary against Obama supporter Sen. Arlen Specter." And if Congressman Joe Sestak "is to be believed, there's someone in the Obama administration who has committed a crime – and if the president knew about it, analysts say it could be grounds for impeachment." Could this be the beginning of the end of the Obama Administration? Have his corrupt, Chicago-style politics finally caught up with him? Discussing the issue with Sean Hannity, former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris said: "This scandal could be enormous. It's Valerie Plame only 10 times bigger, because it's illegal and Joe Sestak is either lying or the White House committed a crime. Obviously, the offer of a significant job in the White House cou...

Headline Roundup (5/25/10)

Today's roundup covers a possible end to "don't ask, don't tell," the next big bailout, Jerry Springer's thoughts on Sarah Palin, 2010's historic shift in our nation's economy, Obama's low approval ratings, horrific police brutality, the next big celebrity to endorse pot legalization, a libertarian way to stimulate the economy, and ten awesome companies started by teenagers: Double-posted from Young Americans for Liberty : An End To Don't Ask, Don't Tell? The Pentagon, White House, and Congress have reached a consensus on language for a bill to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy which restricts homosexuals from openly serving in the military. The bill could come up for a vote in the House as early as this Thursday. The Next Bailout: "A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on t...

The Smear Bund Reloads

“I abhor racism; I think it’s a bad business decision to ever exclude anybody from your restaurant - but at the same time I do believe in private ownership, but I think there should be absolutely no discrimination in anything that gets any public funding.” - Rand Paul, May 20, 2010 Fresh off a resounding primary win, Rand Paul didn’t leave himself much time for a “honeymoon” this week when he inadvertently uttered one of the Things You’re Not Allowed To Say . Just what did he say? Did he espouse the merits of racism? Did he lament that the country did not elect Strom Thurmond’s Dixiecrats in 1948? Did our good and benevolent media handlers, who cannot possibly have an agenda of their own, catch Rand changing out of his surgical scrubs and into his Klan hood? No. Rand Paul simply made a statement intolerable to our political and cultural elites when he suggested that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not infallible. Rand Paul’s entire campaign thus far has been about keeping gove...

Property Rights and Racism

I recently took to the streets to film a video for Young Americans for Liberty , asking people if they thought that a black restaurant owner should be forced to serve a Klansman or if he has the right to refuse in his own establishment. Here it is: So far this video has been picked up by (thanks, David Kramer!), with the following commentary: "Apropos Jacob Hornberger’s excellent excoriation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, here’s a video that takes it to the street. Why Rand Paul didn’t use this sort of argument—except replacing Black owner/Klu Klux Klan customer with Gay (like Maddow) Owner/Homophobic customer—is beyond me. I guess Paul was blindsided. He’ll know for the next time." I must say, David, that I hope Rand Paul is too smart for there to be a next time. Let pundits like me make these arguments and defend libertarian beliefs- Paul should stick to his core Tea Party platform (less spending, lower taxes, and more accountable government) and po...

New At YAL's Foreign Policy Handbook: Why Conservatives Should Hate Our Foreign Policy

In my most recent contribution to YAL's Foreign Policy Handbook , I examine some main-stays of conservative thought: three total non-negotiables in the conservative worldview from old standard-bearers like William F. Buckley, right on down to the present-day Tea Party movement. Then I demonstrate how all three principles are being violated by our present foreign policy. You can read my article in YAL's most recent Foreign Policy Handbook here or here . W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

A Learning Moment: Deconstructing Rand Paul's National Debut

Over at Young Americans for Liberty , Don Rasmussen opines on Rand Paul's recent national debut following his record-setting "Randslide" victory in Kentucky. He breaks things down into three important lessons to learn from the recent flap, as well as gives the Rand Paul campaign due credit for running what has actually been a very phenomenal campaign: "If you have followed me for some time then you know that what drives me is arming the freedom movement with the tools, skills, and experience necessary to drive political success. That is one of the reasons that this is such an exciting moment. The Rand Paul primary campaign has been an exercise in message discipline, image control, and managerial competence that should be broadly admired and studied within the movement. It also makes the last week somewhat puzzling, but does provide some important lessons for aspiring political strategists and campaign staffers." Read the rest of the article here . W....

Rep. Alan Grayson Introduces the "War is Making You Poor" Act

In this video, Congressman Alan Grayson introduces the "War is Making You Poor" Act on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, to cut the cost of U.S. spending overseas. He helps listeners visualize the sheer disproportion of U.S. military spending with graphs. Hat tip: Young Americans for Liberty W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

Rand Paul and the Zombies

Tom Woods has a fantastic article up at The American Conservative about all the recent sanctimony over the 1964 Civil Rights Act: The Left is going after Rand Paul over the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why, Rand Paul secretly wants to repeal it, they say, which means we’d have segregated restaurants all over again. Now any non-hysteric knows a segregated restaurant would be boycotted and picketed out of existence within ten seconds, but we’re supposed to fret about fictional outcomes from the repeal of a law that will never be repealed. And certainly we cannot question the 1964 Act, since our betters have decided the matter is closed. You absolutely must finish reading this article at The American Conservative . There are only two more paragraphs and they are absolute must-reads. Photo by Gage Skidmore W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

Obama Calls for a New "International Order"

From the Washington Post : WEST POINT, N.Y. -- President Obama on Saturday pledged to shape a new "international order" as part of a national security strategy that emphasizes his belief in global institutions and America's role in promoting democratic values around the world. Speaking to the graduating class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point -- the ninth wartime commencement in a row, he said -- the commander in chief who is leading two foreign wars expressed his faith in cooperation and partnerships to confront the economic, military and environmental challenges of the future. "The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times,'" he said in prepared remarks. Read the whole article here . W. E. Messamore , Editor in Chief Articles | Author's Page

No Room for the Tea Party in the Two-Party System

“I hate both parties, and can’t vote for either.” I completely empathize with that statement, and yet, I still believe in the two-party system. Here’s why. Just this past week in Michigan, a group petitioned to get a third-party “Tea Party” candidate on the ballot . The problem was – no one from Michigan’s Tea Party was behind this. Right now, it looks like the effort came from a progressive democrat group. Why? Because Democrats know that a Tea Party candidate is likely to siphon votes from the Republican side in this political climate. Now, this strategy isn’t new. It’s been done countless times before. By both parties. Republican groups worked to get Nader on tickets during “Bush v. Kerry” because of how significant a role Nader played in the “Bush v. Gore” outcome. So, the reason I believe in the two-party system is because the party I like least doesn’t want me to. My goal then becomes to reform both existing parties. Convince Republicans to take their beliefs on economic freedom...

A Question for Rachel Maddow

Should black restaurant owners be forced to serve white nationalists? Watching Rachel Maddow attack Rand Paul with a typical, predictable, closed-minded, and intentionally dense line of questioning: "Should restaurant owners be allowed to discriminate against racial minorities? Yes or no, please," I have a question of my own for her. Rachel, should black restaurant owners be forced to serve white nationalists? Hmm? Say David Duke walked into a black restaurant and wanted to be served. Does the black restaurant owner have a right to say, "Mmm... no thanks, we'd rather not serve you"? Or does David Duke have a right to be served by the black restaurant owner? Yes or no, please. It's interesting -- to be consistent, Maddow would practically have to say that Duke has a right to the black restaurant owner's labor, which is dangerously close to advocating something akin to slavery. Yes or no, Maddow? Let's use another example: if Fred Phelps (that's...
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