There seem to be two major “religious” sides in the American Libertarian community. Ayn Rand vs. Jesus. And while I’m a proud political Randian, it’s my Christian faith that started me down a path looking for a consistent political philosophy to match it.
For those of you with similar stories, I wanted to shamelessly plug my latest musical effort. “The Fallen Cry” is my band’s attempt to bring back honesty to the worship experience in the Americanized Church. Unlike today’s wholly positive anthems, David’s original Psalms ranged the full spectrum of human emotions, including frailty, weakness and doubt. Yet, we avoid these, and instead sing along to song lyrics that don’t always reflect the reality of our hearts.
If you like indie-rock instrumentalism and hate typical church music, visit www.relevantreverence.com and listen to a few tracks off the new record. And as a special offer, if you decide to buy the album on iTunes, e-mail me your receipt at eric@relevantreverence.com, and I’ll send you our first album, “Still Running”, a musical interpretation of the parable of the prodigal son, absolutely free.
Now go and continue your search for freedom in every aspect of your life.

By: Eric Olsen, Regular Columnist
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