Double-posted from Young Americans for Liberty:
- An End To Don't Ask, Don't Tell? The Pentagon, White House, and Congress have reached a consensus on language for a bill to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy which restricts homosexuals from openly serving in the military. The bill could come up for a vote in the House as early as this Thursday.
- The Next Bailout: "A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on the shoulders of American taxpayers." How many unemployed black teens- who suffer disproportionately because of union labor cartels- will get to see any of that money?
- Funny: Jerry Springer calls belittling of Sarah Palin "liberal elitism"
- We're All Socialists Now: Private pay shrinks to historic lows while government-provided benefits rise to a record high during the first months of 2010. Meanwhile President Obama's approval ratings fall to their lowest levels yet.
- Police Brutality: A tragic story and the lessons we can learn from it- how aggressive SWAT tactics contributed to the death of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones, who was shot through the throat by Detroit police.
- War on Drugs: Mick Jagger says it's time to legalize marijuana.
- Libertarian Solutions: Stimulus by Spending Cuts - The Cato Institute's exit strategy from the unsustainable fiscal and monetary stimulus of the last two years. History clearly shows the government that stimulates the best, taxes, spends, and intrudes the least.

W. E. Messamore, Editor in Chief
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