- More questions and no new answers in the brewing "SestakGate" scandal- allegations that the Obama Administration made an illegal job offer as a bribe to Congressman Joe Sestak in exchange for not challenging Obama-supporter Arlen Specter in the recent Democratic U.S. Senate primary.
- Transparency- not: Remember back when people actually took Obama's transparency promises seriously? More stonewalling from the White House- this time on inquiries into the causes of the global economic crisis.
- Police State: Children as young as four being fingerprinted to borrow books from the library in the United Kingdom.
- Who you calling crazy? Glenn Greenwald argues that the "mainstream" two-party orthodoxy is full of plenty of crazy ideas, and that "mainstream" criticisms of "fringe" politics are fundamentally unserious. It's also a very sober look at the quite sane, very reasonable politics of Congressman Ron Paul. A must read.
- This video will move you to tears: An 8 month old baby hears for the first time as his cochlear implant is turned on. We live in a truly amazing world. Technology and human imagination made it possible.
- Pleading the First: Cops detain Colorado man for wearing "Yes We Cannabis" t-shirt at local mall. Details here and here.
- Anti-Constitutionalists: A Virginia high school suspends two teachers for showing the Flex Your Rights video, a review of your Constitutional rights in police encounters.
- Malawi Pardon's jailed gay couple: "A gay couple jailed in Malawi after getting engaged have been pardoned by President Bingu wa Mutharika."
- Mainstream Mania: The Associated Press' dishonest, alarmist, and Orwellian coverage of drugs for a quarter of a century.

W. E. Messamore, Editor in Chief
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