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Trump's Own Argument For Why We Need A 2,000 Mile Iron Curtain Proves Why One Wouldn't Work

By: Wes Messamore
The Humble Libertarian

During a bill signing for human trafficking legislation, President Trump said:

"If we don't have a steel barrier, or a concrete wall, something very powerful, it cannot be stopped. There is nothing. We have the most talented law enforcement people in the world as far as I'm concerned right alongside of me and behind me. It doesn't mean a thing. If they're going to be driving women and children through sections of the border where nobody is, where you can't be because you don't have enough man power or woman power, you don't have enough of anything. You have 2,000 miles of border. You're not going to stop it in all fairness. There's not much you can do."

But if you don't have enough and could not possibly have enough man power to patrol that much border to keep people from crossing over it without checking in with the U.S. federal government first and getting permission to cross–– then you don't have enough and could not possibly have enough man power to patrol that much border fence to stop people from doing this to it:

Or tunneling under it. Which they already do:

Be honest Bubba the people who made this tunnel are more ambitious, enterprising, and daring than you, and work much harder too.

Or climbing over it:

So Trump's own argument proves building a 2,000 mile border fence would be a colossal waste of money.

It would be a vastly expensive deterrent that can be hacked at a relatively low cost.

And according to Trump's own assessment, there will be many opportunities for people to do so.

So let's not support this border wall, Trump's version of ObamaCare, a big federal government project that doesn't actually solve any problems and just steals a bunch of money from most of us.

And let Republicans show they're more capable than Democrats of doing the right thing and being reasonable when in power here, and they may be rewarded by voters for this.

What if Republicans recognized that half of us don't want to pay for and build an iron curtain on the U.S. border with Mexico, and decided not to force it through anyways like the Democrats did with ObamaCare?

What if Republicans decided that if you feel unsafe in America, it is not the federal government's responsibility to build a 2,000 mile wall at great expense with no certain return on investment.

That's an entitlement program.

It's security welfare.

But it's worse than that, it's just a bunch of government agencies and contractors stealing billions of dollars from other American companies and families again.

Just like they did with ObamaCare which has had all sorts of unintended consequences.

And just like they did with Obama's $787 Billion 2009 Stimulus package, which I wrote against.

If you feel unsafe in America that's why it is your Constitutional right to be armed:

For your self defense, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller in June 2008, and "incorporated" in McDonald v. Chicago in 2010, and was extended outside of the home in Woollard v. Sheridan by a federal court in Maryland in 2012.

And if you don't feel that you are making enough money or have worthwhile job opportunities, that is why it is your right in America to start a business.

Which is actually something that immigrants are more likely to do in America than native-born Americans:

"Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Start New Businesses Than Native-Born Americans" (Inc. Feb 2017)

And back in the 20th Century when they had an Iron Curtain dividing East and West in Europe, it wasn't the free side that built that right?

And it's really weird how much like communists the pro militarized border people are in their thinking.

Donald Trump wants to militarize one of this country's borders. There is nothing conservative about this.

This is a radical exercise of federal power.

We must oppose this with everything we've got if we want to remain a free people.

Immigration Expert Absolutely Kills Tucker Carlson On Live Television With Actual Facts About Immigration

Judge Napolitano: Trump Can’t Declare National Emergency To Build Border Wall

Texas Libertarian Ron Paul: We Don't Need Trump's Border Wall To Stop Illegal Immigration

Gary Johnson and Bill Weld on Trump's Border Wall

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