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#Workout Wednesday - How To Make A Tuna Protein Shake

If you're going after some hard gains in muscle strength and mass in 2018, lifting smart and hard is the first step, but the second, indispensable step is getting enough protein to start building muscle.

This is actually where a lot of people fail. If your body doesn't have the raw materials to bulk up, it just won't be able to, even if it wants to because you've been lifting.

From my own experimentation over the last year, I highly advocate cooking and blending high calorie meals with plenty of protein in them. Blending opens up all those calories and nutrients to instant absorption.

It makes everything you're taking in readily available to your body without the work of digestion, and it is easier on your digestive tract, which will be important given how much you will have to eat to gain.

Pay attention to how you're feeling, but don't worry too much about putting on some fat as well as muscle when you're trying to gain. If you're worried, lift harder. We're going to cut and get lean in late Spring.

Who's with me?

A quick word of advice for anyone with a serious desire to improve themselves by lifting weights and carving that body into something beautiful and strong: If this drink sounds disgusting to you, there are many ways to get the protein in and I'll keep sharing what I'm doing with you here on this website and on my YouTube channel.

But just to let you know from my personal experience over the last year, it is possible to make a choice to instantly become the kind of person who likes tuna shakes. And it will help you in more ways than just tuna shakes...

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