Bill Maher makes an excellent case against gun control. Of course that's not what he meant to do, but he unwittingly makes the point very well:
"If it was a Muslim it’d be about the ban. If it was a Mexican it’d be about the wall. And I feel like, when it’s a white guy it’s like, ‘We don’t know how this happened.’ I feel like it doesn’t get to be an isolated incident if you’re a minority. It’s always — this guy was from a broken home, his father was a criminal. That would be a big deal on Fox News, I feel like."
Right. And liberals oppose the ban! And liberals oppose the wall! So liberals should oppose gun control in the same way and for the same reasons.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslims. So the ban just unfairly harasses an entire category of people for isolated incidents.
Not all Mexican immigrants are rapists, Mr. President, and not all rapists are Mexican immigrants.
So a wall just unfairly harasses an entire category of people for isolated incidents.
And not all gun owners are mass murderers, and not all mass murderers use guns.
So gun control unfairly harasses an entire category of people for isolated incidents.