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Showing posts from September, 2017

Barack Obama Goes From White House to Wall Street Seamlessly

And just get a look at this typical mainstream media treatment of the story from Bloomberg (you know, that one Wall Street guy's news site): Bloomberg Businessweek reports : "Hillary Clinton says she made a mistake when she gave speeches on Wall Street after leaving government. Taking money from banks, she writes in her new memoir, created the impression she was in their pocket." Well- yeah . But not just that she gave speeches. It was what she said in those speeches : "In private paid speeches to financial firms and interest groups before she declared her candidacy, the Democratic presidential nominee comes off as a knowing insider, willing to cut backroom deals, embrace open trade and grant Wall Street a central role in crafting financial regulations, according to excerpts obtained last week through hacked campaign emails provided to WikiLeaks." She said things like: Read the rest of my article at Everything Voluntary .

My 8 Minute Ab Workout Video

Get in touch with your snake nature through my 8 minute ab workout! Filmed this in Dec 2016 as a test to see how interested I would be in starting an exercise YouTube channel, which has been a dream of mine. What do you think?

"Weiner Guy" Gets 21 Months in Jail!

The headlines write themselves: "A Long, Hard Sentence for Weiner..." "Anthony Weiner Gets a Stiff Sentence..." "PEEEEENNIIIISSSS!" You get the idea. Here's my penetrating analysis of the whole thing: It is incredibly weird that a guy who has become famous for having absolutely no ability whatsoever to stop himself from tweeting and texting pictures of his weiner is actually named Weiner. It's like, What are the odds of that?? You got to admit that's a pretty nice bod for a man his age. To me it's another wink from the gods (the Illuminati, the Reptilian overlords, the Jews... whoever it is at the bottom of all this... or the top... or where ever they are....) that somewhere in the last few decades since the advent of mass television culture in the 1950s, what we thought was our actual, televised reality actually became mostly scripted reality television. And this season the writers have been in their absolute best f...

America, It's Time to Admit That Washington Cannot Be Trusted to Help Us with Our Health Care

That's exactly what libertarians want. And look for disruptive Silicon Valley entrepreneurship-- and private charity-- to make health care amazingly more affordable instead... While taking better care of us than ever. But before looking at how this can happen in our lifetimes and why it probably will... Let's start with why it's time to admit Washington cannot be trusted to help us with our health care. (If it's not already obvious by now.) Politicizing Health Care and Health Insurance Something seems wrong to many people about treating health care as a product and charging for it. That's because the people who want or need health care are basically in some kind of trouble. Many consumer products solve small problems like inconveniences or mild discomforts. But health care products and services often address very serious problems and major tragedies. To many people "commoditizing" health care by treating it like a product an...

What (Really) Happened (in memes)

Is Anyone Else Getting Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russia and Trump? It's time to acknowledge the insidious evil of a century of Western socialists deliberately ignoring or even brazenly defending the communist atrocities of the 20th century. And that's just one. The U.S. has either openly or covertly interfered in many other democratic elections overseas. As many as she could have gotten away with. A giant douche or a crap sandwich. Every four to eight years. Without fail. And the winner always breaks their promises. The delusional revelry of Democratic commentators declaring Hillary's victory the day after the first debate made my head spin. Were they watching it with their eyes? These people go into their jobs every day, not because it's something they are deeply passionate about, but to keep the lights on and keep you happy, healthy, clean, comfortable, and safe.

100 Great Anti-War Quotes

The following is a list of 100 Anti-War quotes. Many of them come from America's venerated Founding Fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. Many also, come from conservative voices like Pat Buchanan, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand, and even George W. Bush (before he became president and went back on his campaign promises to keep America out of open-ended wars and nation-building). So if your family, friends, or co-workers question your patriotism for opposing war, refer them to this list so they can see how the American Founding Fathers felt about war. And if you like this list please follow the links above to my FB and Twitter and Like and Follow The Humble Libertarian to get updates from me in your news stream. 1. "As far as I am concerned, war itself is immoral." -U.S. WWII General Omar Bradley 2. "The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the ins...
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