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CA Police Shoot Dog For Defending His Owner As They Arrest Him *For Filming Them*

Warning: this video is *extremely* graphic and disturbing.

Hawthorne, CA Police Officer Shoots Dog:

InfoWars reports: "The 130-pound, 3-year-old Rottweiler named Max was shot to death after he escaped through a window in a parked car and ran over to his master, Leon Rosby, who was being arrested for filming the scene on his phone."

Hat tip: Daily Paul.

The comments on the YouTube page were overwhelmingly critical of the police overreaction. Here are some examples:

for the last time since so many dummies seem to exist here: ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS TELL THE OWNER TO TAKE CARE OF IT. he wasn't resisting, he would have wanted his dog safe, so all they could have done is stopped cuffing him for 15 seconds, let him secure his dog and calm it down... and then they could have continued their pointless arrest. easy. nobody hurt. isn't that the logical normal thing to do if a dog is "threatening" you? to tell it's owner to take care of it?

I hope all those motherfucker cops get killed in their next raid... Fucking cowards...

Hawthorne city hall # 310 349 2960 (Maxine Waters office will direct you there).

that is absolutely fucking wrong. arresting him for nothing. and then the cop goes and SHOOTS the dog? he couldnt use a tazer? cop deserves to be fired. pure and simple.

Omg! That's really messed up! T.T

He did not try to restrain the dog at all, he shot him and let him die slowly in the street. This is in no way "justified", if a normal citizen did this everyone would call for his arrest, cops don't get special privileges.

Please can someone tell this f**cking dumbass cop to take notes from the other officers!!! Notice that they put the owner if front of them to allow the owner calm the dog down, the dog does for a second and then Mr. Dumbass Cop tries grab the collar of a big ass dog that isn't yours? WTF are you thinking? Where was your training again? Because you need to go back!!!.

He was being unjustly arrested, he did not deliberately leave the windows down. This entire situation would have been avoided if the police did not abuse their power and arrest people who are filming them.

Shut up,people hate you/PIGS because you gave them EVERY REASON under the sun to hate you sicko's;-)..Shocking the same area as Rampart in the same state who builds 21 prisons to one college,ya ok;-

That dog was following his love. What do you say now?!?!

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