Many of you reading this money-bombed for Ron. Many of you money-bombed for Rand. Now the movement you helped create has an opportunity not just to establish a foothold in the media, but to revolutionize media as we know it by helping Ben Swann (yes, that awesome Reality Check guy from Cincinnati) become an established and noteworthy journalist outside of the corporate-funded noise machine using a new economic model: crowd funding:
Swann has already raised over $100,000 on his Kickstarter page, but needs your help to reach his goal. What makes this even better than the electoral money bombs you may have contributed to in the past is that your contributions are rewarded with prizes, so the more you give, the more you-- personally, in a direct and tangible way-- get.
Swann has already raised over $100,000 on his Kickstarter page, but needs your help to reach his goal. What makes this even better than the electoral money bombs you may have contributed to in the past is that your contributions are rewarded with prizes, so the more you give, the more you-- personally, in a direct and tangible way-- get.