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Air Force Head of Sexual Assault Prevention Program... Charged With Sexual Assault: Pentagon Reports 70 Sex Assaults in Military EVERY DAY

NBC News reports:

'The Air Force official in charge of its sexual-assault prevention program was arrested for groping, authorities said Monday.

Lt. Col. Jeff Krusinski, 41, was removed from his position as head of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office pending an investigation, the Air Force said.

The incident happened just after midnight Sunday when a drunken Krusinski allegedly approached the woman in a parking lot in Arlington, Va., and grabbed her breasts and buttocks, according to a police report.

Police said the woman fought off her assailant and scratches can be seen on Krusinski’s face in his mug shot. He was charged with sexual battery.

The charges are "deeply troubling," Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh said Tuesday. The Air Force has requested jurisdiction in the case, which is standard practice.'

Just one more obvious sign that your government is tragically and perhaps irreparably broken.

The report of these tragically ironic charges comes just as the Pentagon prepared to release a report finding that sexual assaults involving military personnel are occurring 70 times a day (h/t: m):

"Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. [chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee], told a committee hearing that a Pentagon report to be released later Tuesday reportedly estimates that, on average, there are more than 70 sexual assaults involving military personnel every day.


The Pentagon report says that the number of sexual assaults reported by members of the military rose from 3,192 to 3,374 in 2012, while the department estimates that as many as 26,000 service members were assaulted, based on anonymous surveys, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the report."

Let's put this in perspective.

The Boston Marathon bombing has dominated the media-policy conversation since mid-April. It claimed 3 lives and caused 264 people injuries that required treatment in a hospital.

The government response was a massive lock down of major cities in the commonwealth of Massachusetts as thousands of heavily-armed, federally-deputized, unequivocally militarized police roamed through the streets and conducted a house-by-house search for the bomber. Eventually, a private civilian found the bomber.

According to the Defense Department, more people are victimized by sexual assault every four days than the number of those who were victimized by explosions in the Boston Marathon bombing, and this happens week in and week out, all year long. And it's happening to the troops. Remember, those people who you are supposed to say you support? Do you really? Where's your outrage?

Another way to put this in perspective: Roman Catholic Church. Since 2002, you haven't heard any news story about the Roman Catholic Church in the mainstream media without an obligatory reference to the sexual abuse scandal. As the media covered it, the recent story, for instance, about changing popes was really a story about the sexual abuse scandal.

With more rampant sexual abuse in the US military, does it face the same media scrutiny? Is every story about a change in the military leadership, about its policies, about its activities-- punctuated with references to the plague of sexual abuse happening in its ranks? Is this consistent or fair? Does something seem off here to anybody else?

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