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California To Plead The 10th? Bill to Nullify NDAA Unanimously Passes CA Committee

Alternate headline: Hey Washington, even California's getting sick of you! Ha ha ha.

The Daily Caller reports:

'California lawmakers are pushing a bill that would exempt the state from federal laws authorizing indefinite detention of citizens.

The California Public Safety Committee voted unanimously Tuesday in favor of the California Liberty Preservation Act, which was introduced by Republican Assemblyman Tim Donnelly.

The bill passed the Democrat-controlled committee 6-0 with the support of a wide-ranging coalition that included the American Civil Liberties Union, Tenth Amendment Center, San Francisco 99% Coalition, San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the Libertarian Party of California.

The legislation is designed to free California from having to comply with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012, which does nothing to prevent the potential seizure and indefinite detention of U.S. citizens. The California bill declares such federal power unconstitutional, and mandates the state and its localities refuse adhering to or assisting with federal implementation.

“The NDAA gives the executive branch—under not only President Obama, but also every future president — unprecedented power to detain US citizens without due process,” Assemblyman Donnelly, the bill’s author, wrote in a press release. “This runs counter to the very principles that make America great, and violates our nation’s commitment to the rule of law.”

The bill cites the Tenth Amendment, and affirms the enumerated nature of the federal government’s powers.'

Mmmm mmm mmm. #pleadthe10th, baby, #pleadthe10th

Double plus good.

Fist Bump: Daily Paul

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