'Pasha Roberts, who grew up in McLean with a DARPA dad and who himself has a degree in financial engineering from MIT, has something of a built-in audience for his feature film debut. Three, actually, he thinks: libertarians, animation buffs and “the precious-metal coin collectors are really into this, too.”
“Silver Circle” is an animated love story/hyperinflation dystopia set at the Federal Reserve. It had its Washington-area premiere this weekend: one screen, one theater, a one-week run at the Regal theater in the Ballston Common mall.
“Did somebody find a money clip?” a man, one of about 40 people in attendance, hollers into the darkness just before the film began Friday evening.
“Wait, is there free money here?” someone asks.
“It’s Federal Reserve money,” a third person responds. “Not worth anything anyway.”
“Silver Circle” is that kind of movie. Made for around $2 million, funded primarily by Roberts’s production company, Two Lanterns, it has become a small symbol for a passionate cohort that believes in tiny government. And on currency that jingles instead of folds.
“There are at least two people who have ‘Silver Circle’ tattoos,” says Roberts, 50, who is tall with spiky gray hair, and arrives at the D.C. premiere wearing an “End the Fed” t-shirt. “Besides me, I mean.”
“It’s been floating around in libertarian circles for awhile,” says Kevin Latchford, who attended the Ballston premiere and who promoted the event on the movie’s Facebook page. (Latchford is also making a movie, he informs a reporter. He’s a producer for “Alongside Night,” which is also about the economic collapse of the United States of America.)
“Silver Circle” has received some Capitol Hill support. Ron Paul endorsed it. Paul inadvertently advertised it in Congress, actually, in 2012 when he whipped one of the film’s promotional silver pieces out of his pocket during a hearing of the House Committee on Financial Services and used it as an object lesson on inflation.'
Edit: Forgot to post the link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/silver-circle-a-libertarian-love-story-where-the-bad-guys-work-at-the-federal-reserve/2013/04/14/7ff894d2-a451-11e2-82bc-511538ae90a4_story.html