In the midst of the darkness and a host of determined Goliaths, there stands one David, one true man with a spine, and a chest, and a heart of flesh, slinging amendments as stones to fell the Goliath menacing at our gates, filibustering for hours alone as David once stood brave and alone against the mighty Philistines. There stands one man, America's Senator, Liberty's Senator, a voice of the People raging mightily against the hosts of tyranny and lawlessness that would renew this act which slanders true patriotism by its very name.
This true patriot-- Senator Rand Paul.
I wrote the words above in May of 2011 regarding Rand Paul's filibuster of the Patriot Act extension. My spirit and mood are the same tonight.
I might include updates on this post later Thursday (feel free to add your own in the comments on this post), but for now, there's little more I can add to the spot on analysis in a single tweet by one Matt Drudge:
Obama busy courting Graham, McCain, yesterday's mashed potatoes. Shifttonight is to new generation. Stunning media skills#StandWithRand
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) March 7, 2013