By: Wes Messamore
In this 18th full episode of the back-from-the-dead Wes Messamore show, Wes Messamore and Drew Martin discuss the imminent dollar collapse, its implications, and how you can survive it and prosper. They will also be interviewing Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante.
Show runs from 6 - 8pm Eastern on Monday April 30th, streaming live to your computer! Visit this page to tune in or to catch the archived podcast afterward if you miss the live show.
We will also be taking your calls! As a special incentive, we will allow all callers to mention their own business, blog, or website, or a another favorite website or organization on the air. Call in number is: (646) 716-4214.
If you missed Friday's episode on the Republican Party and the Ron Paul Revolution, you can listen to the archived podcast of it here!

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
In this 18th full episode of the back-from-the-dead Wes Messamore show, Wes Messamore and Drew Martin discuss the imminent dollar collapse, its implications, and how you can survive it and prosper. They will also be interviewing Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante.
Show runs from 6 - 8pm Eastern on Monday April 30th, streaming live to your computer! Visit this page to tune in or to catch the archived podcast afterward if you miss the live show.
We will also be taking your calls! As a special incentive, we will allow all callers to mention their own business, blog, or website, or a another favorite website or organization on the air. Call in number is: (646) 716-4214.
If you missed Friday's episode on the Republican Party and the Ron Paul Revolution, you can listen to the archived podcast of it here!

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page