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Showing posts from April, 2012

The Ultimate Green Bombshell: New Study Finds Wind Farms Cause Actual Climate Change

This story has been breaking everywhere: wind turbines actually causes global warming and environmental devastation. For decades they have been touted by green warriors and global warming believers as the lynch pin of their brave new utopian future. Now it seems that something is truly rotten in the state of Denmark, or the great state of Texas in this case. After years of searching, it appears that scientists have finally identified an actual cause of climate change… wind farms. Critics have previously cited industrial wind turbine farms as a massive blot on the landscape, as well as accusing them of causing environmental and economic damage. Reports of bird and bat mortality, local deforestation, as well as negative effects on peat bogs in the UK – have all been cited in relation to the operation of wind turbines. Read the rest here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Dick Lugar’s Voting Record

I'm no fan of Redstate but it did an excellent job summarizing the voting record of Sen. Richard Lugar who is facing a primary challenger in the Indiana primary on 5/8. Read the rest here Judy Morris Report  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Sibel Edmonds Finally Wins

Sibel Edmonds was a translator for the FBI following 911. She ended up getting fired and being a whistleblower on the government, its incompetence and its weird determination to avoid the truth. Sibel Edmonds’ new book, “Classified Woman,” is like an FBI file on the FBI, only without the incompetence....I’ve read a million reviews of nonfiction books about our government that referred to them as “page-turners” and “gripping dramas,” but I had never read a book that actually fit that description until now. The F.B.I., the Justice Department, the White House, the Congress, the courts, the media, and the nonprofit industrial complex put Sibel Edmonds through hell. This book is her triumph over it all, and part of her contribution toward fixing the problems she uncovered and lived through. Edmonds took a job as a translator at the FBI shortly after 9-11. She considered it her duty. Her goal was to prevent any more terrorist attacks. That’s where her thinking was at the time, ...

Oklahoma Personhood Measure Struck Down By Supreme Court

The Oklahoma Personhood bill was never voted out of the Oklahoma legislature. It did pass in the OK Senate but the OK House didn't bring it to a vote because it knew the issue was pending litigation. The Oklahoma Supreme Court unanimously vetoed a ballot measure that would have given embryos full personhood rights on Monday, ruling it "clearly unconstitutional" because it would block a woman's legal right to have an abortion. The personhood measure would give embryos the same legal rights as people from the moment of fertilization, which opponents say would ban abortion and complicate the legality of in vitro fertilization and many forms of birth control. Enacting such a law would violate the U.S. Supreme Court's 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which allows states to pass some abortion restrictions but prevents them from overturning the constitutional right to end a pregnancy. Read the rest here   The Huffington Post Judy Mor...

Ludicrous Proposal by Harvard Economics Professor to Force Taxpayers to Buy Spanish Bonds; Mish's Five-Point Alternative Proposal

As the economic crisis lingers on, the number of ludicrous proposals to deal with the crisis rises every month. I have lost count by now of preposterous ideas and who made them (does anyone have the complete list?), but a proposal by Harvard Economics professor Martin Feldstein to force taxpayers to buy Spanish bonds surely makes the list of top-five ludicrous proposals. Martin Feldstein, writing for the Financial Times says Taxpayers must backstop Spain’s budget... Read the rest here Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Wealth Gap in America Caused by Federal Reserve, Not Capitalism

The truth that Americans just can't handle: the Federal Reserve is the cause of our economic misery. When most people hear about the redistribution of wealth they think of welfare payments and health care for the elderly, but the real redistribution of wealth is from the 99% to the 1%, not the other way around. The rapid expansion of the money supply by the Federal Reserve does not flow into the economy evenly, but is added in at distinct points. Read the rest here Policymic  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Ron Paul: The Costs of War ($7 trillion and climbing)

Voting for Ron Paul is a humanitarian act - the greatest act of love that can ever be bestowed upon the world and its peoples. In addition to the hidden human costs of our seemingly endless wars are the economic costs. In 2008, Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz wrote "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict." Stiglitz illustrates that taking into account the total costs of the war, including replacing military equipment and caring for thousands of wounded veterans for the rest of their lives, the Iraq war will cost us orders of magnitude greater than the 50 billion dollars promised by the White House before the invasion. Add all the costs of Afghanistan into the mix, wrote Stiglitz, and the bill tops $7 trillion. Is it any wonder why our infrastructure at home crumbles, healthcare is more expensive and harder to come by, and unemployment together with inflation continue their steady rise? Imagine the productive power of that seve...

Talk of a Third Party 2012 Candidacy Grows

Here we go again. Third party chatter intensifies every election cycle but will Americans ever have the testicular fortitude to reject the R's and D's and vote 3rd party? Of course, my dream is to slay the RNC and DNC machines that are nothing more than wholly owned subsidiaries of the banksters, military industrial complex, prison industrial complex and corporatist special interests.  Republicans have rejected Ron Paul but the Revolution for liberty continues. Talk of a late third party presidential candidate keeps popping up among D.C. political pros who look at reams of polling data and other evidence and see an electorate anxious to cast a pox on both political houses in the form of an independent presidential bid. Read the rest here U.S. News & World Report  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Tiptoeing Through a Minefield of Pansy Asses

The culture war is as intense as ever because all its totalitarian factions refuse to think in terms of natural rights for all human beings.  The Libertarian solution is "I don't care about your sex life or your religion" but don't try and force your beliefs on me. Although it remains unclear exactly what buggery has to do with ethical reporting, Professional Homosexual Dan Savage was there to unravel the mystery to a group of Seattle teens on April 13 at the National High School Journalism Convention. When he started ripping into the Bible—calling it “bullshit” and accusing it of not only being wrong about homosexuality, but also about slavery, masturbation, virginity, and, yes, shellfish—small clusters of students stood up and began leaving. Their exodus was largely quiet. They did not try to shout him down or sprinkle him with holy water. Savage called the retreating clusters of offended and presumedly Christian students “pansy asses.” Looking so empowered t...

The Monetary Collapse - Monday (4/30) on the Wes Messamore Radio Show

By: Wes Messamore In this 18th full episode of the back-from-the-dead Wes Messamore show , Wes Messamore and Drew Martin discuss the imminent dollar collapse, its implications, and how you can survive it and prosper. They will also be interviewing Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante . Show runs from 6 - 8pm Eastern on Monday April 30th, streaming live to your computer! Visit this page to tune in or to catch the archived podcast afterward if you miss the live show. We will also be taking your calls ! As a special incentive, we will allow all callers to mention their own business, blog, or website, or a another favorite website or organization on the air. Call in number is: (646) 716-4214. If you missed Friday's episode on the Republican Party and the Ron Paul Revolution, you can listen to the archived podcast of it here ! Wes Messamore , Editor in Chief, T H L Articles | Author's Page

US not reporting all Afghan attacks

The government refuses to admit it but there's a war going on in Afghanistan to evict the occupiers. The U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan is under-reporting the number of times that Afghan soldiers and police open fire on American and other foreign troops. The coalition routinely reports attacks in which a coalition soldier is killed by an Afghan in uniform. But it does not report the instances in which an Afghan wounds U.S. or NATO troops or misses his target. Officials acknowledge the attacks are a worrisome problem for the U.S. and its military partners as they work increasingly closely with Afghan troops in preparation for handing off security responsibility. The Associated Press has learned that just last week, two U.S. soldiers were wounded when Afghan policemen opened fire on them. The Afghans were quickly killed, and the incident was not reported by the international coalition. Read the rest here Yahoo! News  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Artic...

Officer Regina Tasca Goes 'Rogue'

A cop goes 'rogue' to protect citizens from police abuse. Now her job is on the line. "Regina Tasca is a "rogue cop" – and God bless her for it. Tasca is in the middle of disciplinary hearings that may result in her termination from the Bogota, New Jersey Police Department. She stands accused of "bizarre and outlandish" behavior in two incidents a year ago during which she revealed herself to be "A danger to other police officers." Her first supposed offense – which wasn't mentioned until after the second – was a failure to assist another officer who was "attacked" by a drunken woman who was roughly half his weight and barely five feet tall. Her second was was to intervene when a police officer from another jurisdiction viciously assaulted an emotionally troubled young man who was not suspected of a crime. "I consider myself a peace officer," Tasca told Pro Libertate. "My thing is to help make sure tha...

Are you a real Texan? Then Ron Paul is your president

Despite the fact that Mitt Romney does not have enough delegates bound to him to clinch the Republican nomination, the Republican Party and the media have proclaimed the nomination race over – before a single Texan has had a chance to vote. They are telling Texans that they may choose between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. They will be allowed no other choice. Would a real Texan stand for this? Read the rest here Tom Mullen  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Louisiana Shocker: Ron Paul Wins by Doug Wead

Well, the cat is out of the bag. Saturday’s district conventions in Louisiana gave the Ron Paul campaign 74% of the delegates heading into the June state convention where the delegation to the Republican National Convention in Tampa will be finally determined. Another state, another unseen victory for the Texas congressman. And, it should be noted, another embarrassment for the apparent nominee, former Governor Mitt Romney. Now, the question is this. How many other states have their own surprises coming? Months ago the Ron Paul campaign looked at Louisiana and decided that the best strategy was to concentrate on the caucus. The rules in Louisiana apportion 20 of the states delegates from the votes in its statewide primary, which was held last March and 24 delegates from it caucus system which elects delegates at the precinct level to go to district conventions where they elect delegates to go to the state convention where the final delegation will be chosen. Read the res...

Tech support for CISPA wobbles as Microsoft calls for privacy safeguards

Is Microsoft withdrawing its support for CISPA? The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) may have a strong backing in the tech world, but that began to look increasingly tenuous this weekend after software giant Microsoft seemed to walk back its support for the bill, warning that the company would now push lawmakers for additional privacy safeguards. That’s a big change for the company behind Windows and Xbox, which said in November that CISPA represented “an important first step towards addressing significant problems in cyber security,” and that Microsoft “applauds” lawmakers for pushing the bill. The company’s initial letter, written by Microsoft’s U.S. VP for government affairs, has been a key document in support of the bill: Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), CISPA’s author, even prominently featured Microsoft’s support on his official website. The software giant’s movement on the matter comes after a growing public outcry over CISPA... Read the rest here The ...

Occupy Wall Street Plans Global Disruption of Status Quo

Apparently the Occupy folks are back. Drudge headlines: MAY DAY: OCCUPY PLANS 'GLOBAL DISRUPTION', Looking To Shut Down Bridges, Tunnels In NYC and San Fran... MORE. Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, whose anti-greed message spread worldwide during an eight-week encampment in Lower Manhattan last year, plan marches across the globe tomorrow calling attention to what they say are abuses of power and wealth. Organizers say they hope the coordinated events will mark a spring resurgence of the movement after a quiet winter. Calls for a general strike with no work, no school, no banking and no shopping have sprung up on websites in Toronto, Barcelona, London, Kuala Lumpur and Sydney, among hundreds of cities in North America, Europe and Asia. In New York, Occupy Wall Street will join scores of labor organizations observing May 1, traditionally recognized as International Workers’ Day. They plan marches from Union Square to Lower Manhattan and a “pop-up occupation” of B...

It's A Ron Paul Nightmare: A World Run By Central Bankers

The Banksters rule the world. Their mission? Impoverish folks everywhere by transferring wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich. Yeah, along the way they tossed a few poisonous entitlement crumbs at the folks who gladly ate the bait and voted away their liberty and prosperity. Since 2008, the chairman of a nation’s Central Bank has been more important to domestic economic policy than congress or the nation’s president. Congress has basically been replaced by the Treasury. The White House has been replaced by the Fed. Investors are making more of a note of this lately. Elected officials…are disappointing, to put it gently. “If investors could short congress, that would be the biggest play in the market,”...And while Ron Paul has failed to convince the general public that “it’s monetary policy, stupid”, the Texas Congressman said during the primaries in New Hampshire that, “never before has monetary policy been such a central theme on the campaign trail and so impor...

Tea Party Congressmen Accept Money of Disdained Wall Street

The Tea Party goes Bankster!  There are damn few politicians who aren't Bankster owned. Tea Party favorites such as Stephen Fincher of Tennessee were swept into Congress on a wave of anger over government-funded bailouts of banks. Now those incumbents are collecting thousands of dollars for re-election campaigns from the same Wall Street firms whose excesses they criticized. They have taken no significant steps to curb them or prevent future taxpayer-financed rescues. Read the rest here San Francisco Chronicle  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

U.S. seeks to modernize NATO, deepen partnerships

All the Republican foreign policy hawks I've ever encountered are fanatics about U.S. sovereignty and oppose the United Nations and global governance. Yet, they refuse to believe that the NATO is the primary vehicle to transition their beloved U.S. military into the UN's Global Military. NATO needs to be defunded by the U.S. because it's just another expensive U.S. funded military. The United States will push to modernize NATO, deepen alliance partnerships and hammer out details of the Afghanistan withdrawal at an upcoming summit, White House officials said Thursday. “The alliance needs to be more deployable and more adaptable and we’re taking those lessons learned from Afghanistan and integrating them into our planning going forward,” said Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, the National Security Council’s director of European affairs. NATO is pursuing a number of “smart defense” initiatives that will ensure that in an era of constrained military budgets, the transatlan...

For 22 murder victims, LA Riots leave legacy of justice eluded

Twenty years ago, Los Angeles erupted in riots after four cops were acquitted in the videotaped beating of Rodney King, but during an uprising supposedly in the name of justice, some people got away with murder. During the five "Days of Outrage," a disbelieving nation watched on television as looters broke store windows and emptied shelves...The police were overwhelmed, and the National Guard was called in to help quell the violence. When the mayhem subsided five days later, nearly 1,600 buildings were destroyed or damaged and more than 2,300 people were hurt. The final cost of the riot was estimated at more than a billion dollars, including $735 million in property damage. But the human toll is the most disturbing legacy of the riots. Some 53 people were killed in what police have classified as riot-related homicides and accidents. Of those, some 22 homicides remain classified as open and unsolved. The dead for whom justice remains elusive include a 15-year-old boy sh...

Newark Targets Newsstand After Owner Talks to Newspaper

The agony of attempting to do business in the fascist state - the City of Newark, NJ has refused to renew the business license of newspaper stand vendor who has been in the same location for 40 years. I guess Mr. Vernacchia just didn't grease the palms of Newark's political overlords. Of course, requiring a business license to do business is statist interference in the right of a person to earn a living. Last week, the Star Ledger’s Barry Carter wrote about the plight faced by a local newsstand owner in Newark, NJ who was having trouble getting the city to renew the license on his nearly 40-year-old business: [Robert] Vernacchia, 69, doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be in business here because the city hasn’t renewed his license in four years and licensing agents have threatened to shut him down. Vernacchia says his license was renewed every year as long as the business facing his newsstand didn’t have a problem with him being there. All that changed in 2008 when Val...

Paper Money: The Barbarous Relic

Gold is vilified by the media, government, politicians and the master planners as the 'golden handcuffs'. For those not familiar with the mechanics of national economies, the gold standard has often been referred to over history as “the Golden Handcuffs”. How did it acquire this intimidating nickname? Because it absolutely limits our governments from any extreme/insane fiscal or monetary policies without the consequences of those policies being immediately known to the general public. A government trying to run huge deficits (like the U.S. government was doing during the Vietnam War), would quickly see its “bank account” (i.e. the national gold reserves) quickly evaporate as paying for those deficits emptied the government’s Treasury. Thus ultimately the primary reason that a gold standard is despised (or rather feared) by all the charlatan money-printers like Keynes and the deadbeat governments of modern Western economies is that a gold standard forces governments to...

Deflecting Attention From The Real Question

As the Zero Hedge article notes, "the spin is becoming dizzying" and MSM headlines like "Ron Paul Supporters Need to Sober Up" and "Supporting Ron Paul is Naive: Small Governments are for Small Countries" are outright establishment attacks on the Paulite liberty activists. The media has given up marginalizing and attacking Ron Paul because it backfired and increased Ron Paul's momentum - now they are going after his supporters. The US is now about to enter fully-fledged "election mode". With only two candidates left in the "race" for the Republican nomination - only one according to the mainstream media, but more on that [below] - the "issues" at stake in the upcoming election are now being very carefully tailored for an increasingly unruly domestic US political audience. A less polite way of phrasing this is that the spin is becoming dizzying. The foremost task of preparing for the November vote is to maintain th...

Ron Paul's Alaska payback

Establishment Republicans are feeling the power of We the People who are no longer Sheeple. Despite a disappointing third place finish in the March 6 Alaska caucuses, Ron Paul is looking like a winner there: A Paul supporter was voted in as the new GOP chairman Saturday at the state convention. It's more evidence of the political maturation of the Paul forces, who are beginning to seize the levers of powers from within state parties....This weekend, it was the young, sometimes bedraggled but always politically strident and not always so polite, supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul who were certain that if they were in charge of the party, Alaska and the country would be a better place....It was a tough weekend all around for the GOP establishment in Anchorage -- from this KTUU report, it looks like Sen. Lisa Murkowski also had a rough go of it at the convention. Read the rest here Politico Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Hundreds Of Economists Agree Marijuana Legalization Could Save US Taxpayers $13.7 Billion Per Year

Marijuana prohibition currently costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year to enforce, and it accomplishes little or nothing beneficial in terms of economic benefits. On the contrary, legalizing marijuana would not only save taxpayers billions of dollars a year in unnecessary costs, but it would also jumpstart the economy to the tune of $100 billion a year or more, say some economists. In an open letter written to the President, Congress, State Governors, and State Legislators, more than 550 economists, including several nobel laureates, draw attention to a report authored by Professor Jeffrey A. Miron that highlights the potential economic benefits of marijuana decriminalization. EntitledThe Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition, the report states that legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana would do wonders to reduce inflated budgets and generate new revenue streams. Read the rest here Money Trends Research  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articl...
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