Michael Badnarik Endorses Young Ron Paul Supporter for U.S. Congress in Colorado's 3rd District 2012 Race
Former Presidential Candidate Joins CASIDA 2012 Team
Michael Badnarik, a constitutional scholar, author, and former Presidential candidate, is joining the Casida 2012 Campaign Team as an adviser. Badnarik’s own personal experiences and relationships with thousands of liberty-minded activists from around the country, brings the opportunity to Colorado’s third congressional district to be the most educated, resilient, self-sufficient population in the country. And as Casida says,
Badnarik’s experiences bring extensive insight to the campaign team. His book, Good To Be King, is one of the resources that has already been utilized on the campaign trail to help educate people on the basics of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.
Badnarik says:
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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Michael Badnarik, a constitutional scholar, author, and former Presidential candidate, is joining the Casida 2012 Campaign Team as an adviser. Badnarik’s own personal experiences and relationships with thousands of liberty-minded activists from around the country, brings the opportunity to Colorado’s third congressional district to be the most educated, resilient, self-sufficient population in the country. And as Casida says,
"That is what this is all about – being a voice, representing the people, and being a leader for our communities and economies."
Badnarik’s experiences bring extensive insight to the campaign team. His book, Good To Be King, is one of the resources that has already been utilized on the campaign trail to help educate people on the basics of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.
Badnarik says:
"Every major party candidate tells the voters what they want to hear, but then they toe the party line. Every third party candidate confesses they have no chance of winning, and they simply want to spread their message. I have finally found an independent candidate who is idealistic enough to think she can win, and dedicated enough to make it happen. Tisha Casida vows that she is going to Washington to cut off the head of the snake. I love her determination, and I plan to do everything within my power to make sure she wins her election. Failure is not at option as far as I’m concerned."
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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