Over at the Left Coast Rebel blog, guest blogger Right Klik has compiled a truly revealing and thorough list of links to excellent information about the absolutely horrendous results of Mitt Romney's signature legislation as governor of Massachusetts-- "RomneyCare," a bill that socialized the state's medical industry and formed the model for Barack Obama's overhaul of the entire country's health care.
Among the facts that RightKlik provides:
And there's so much more!
Someone please explain to me how this guy is a top contender for the Republican Party's nomination instead of kicked out of the party to join the Democratic Party where he'd be more at home? Either a lot of Republicans have lost their freaking minds or I have. Oh yeah, and how is Romney a top contender for the GOP's nomination with a record like this, but Ron Paul's "too liberal" or "too extreme" to support?

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
Among the facts that RightKlik provides:
- RomneyCare killed more than 18,000 jobs in MA in 2010.
- Romney's health care law reduced personal income by hundreds of dollars for individual workers and families.
- Under RomneyCare, private health insurance costs have risen by $4.311 billion in Massachusetts.
- Access to primary care physicians is becoming more restricted, as wait times continue to increase.
- Most primary care practices are closed to new patients.
And there's so much more!
Someone please explain to me how this guy is a top contender for the Republican Party's nomination instead of kicked out of the party to join the Democratic Party where he'd be more at home? Either a lot of Republicans have lost their freaking minds or I have. Oh yeah, and how is Romney a top contender for the GOP's nomination with a record like this, but Ron Paul's "too liberal" or "too extreme" to support?

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page