FACT: As the "7 billionth baby" is born, remember that overpopulation is not a threat to humanity nor to the global ecosystem
These are exciting times to be alive for sure! Today, humanity has reached an unprecedented milestone at the later stage of a steeply upward-sloping population curve, the birth of the world's seven billionth baby (hat tip: memeorandum), or to be more precise, the first baby to put the total human population at seven billion.
The Daily Caller reports:
To answer National Geographic's second question: Yes! We can feed the world's growing population easily without outstripping the world's resources. Starvation and hunger in the world today are not problems of overpopulation, but nearly always the result of war, corruption, and state central planning.
Furthermore, the human population will not continue to grow at this rate. The U.N. forecasts global population will peak in our lifetimes and actually begin to decline again as growing affluence leads to shrinking birth rates.
The entire alarmist modern narrative about human over-population outstripping the world's resources originated with an English economist named Thomas Malthus. But his observations and arguments simply do not prove that human population will continue to grow exponentially, nor that it will outstrip its food supply.
The following video is an excellent explanation of why, and I highly recommend you watch and share:
Finally, NPR has an excellent, non-alarmist video to help you visualize and understand global human population growth:
Let me say that on this remarkable day in human history, I applaud the U.N. for rejecting alarmist overpopulation fears motivated by the agendas of the eugenicists and environmental regulatory statists. I am more than pleasantly surprised and extremely encouraged by the U.N.'s celebration of human fecundity as a milestone and victory for mankind. It is!

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
The Daily Caller reports:
'The United Nations estimates that the 7 billionth baby in the world will be born on Monday. The international agency has chosen Manila-born Danica May Camacho as the symbolic milestone baby, as first reported by the UK Guardian.
National Geographic will devote a year long series to mark the occasion, complete with questions like “Are there too many people on the planet?” and “Can we feed seven billion of us?”
Amid panic-laced prompts, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has called the milestone a victory for mankind, as people are living longer and children are surviving childhood — with the caveat being that the world needs to reinvigorate its push for sustainability.'
To answer National Geographic's second question: Yes! We can feed the world's growing population easily without outstripping the world's resources. Starvation and hunger in the world today are not problems of overpopulation, but nearly always the result of war, corruption, and state central planning.
Furthermore, the human population will not continue to grow at this rate. The U.N. forecasts global population will peak in our lifetimes and actually begin to decline again as growing affluence leads to shrinking birth rates.
The entire alarmist modern narrative about human over-population outstripping the world's resources originated with an English economist named Thomas Malthus. But his observations and arguments simply do not prove that human population will continue to grow exponentially, nor that it will outstrip its food supply.
The following video is an excellent explanation of why, and I highly recommend you watch and share:
Finally, NPR has an excellent, non-alarmist video to help you visualize and understand global human population growth:
Let me say that on this remarkable day in human history, I applaud the U.N. for rejecting alarmist overpopulation fears motivated by the agendas of the eugenicists and environmental regulatory statists. I am more than pleasantly surprised and extremely encouraged by the U.N.'s celebration of human fecundity as a milestone and victory for mankind. It is!
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Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page