Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) - Ron Paul has won two separate tallies for the National Federation of Republican Assemblies Presidential Straw Poll.
Paul won both the Iowa-voters-only count at the Saturday convention in Des Moines as well as a tally of non-Iowans who participated.
In the Iowa voters result, Paul took 82%. Following him were Herman Cain with 14.7%, Rick Santorum with 1%, Newt Gingrich with 0.9%, Michele Bachmann with 0.5%, Rick Perry with 0.5%, Gary Johnson with 0.2%, with Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman 0%.
I'm telling you: Ron Paul has got some seriously powerful supporters and immense grassroots support on the ground in the Iowa political machine, not to mention a top-notch, well-funded campaign operation that is working like crazy to make this happen. Keep watching Iowa.

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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