"CAIRO, Egypt — Just days after the departure of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak on Feb. 11, the nation’s new, self-appointed military leaders pledged, within six months, a swift transition to civilian rule.
Crowds of the same protesters that demanded Mubarak’s ouster cheered as their army said it would steer the nation toward a “free, democratic system.” Seven months later, however, many Egyptians are finding that little has changed.
As the so-called Supreme Council of the Armed Forces increasingly cements, and in some cases flaunts, its firm grip on power, the revolution that inspired a region is beginning to look more like an old-fashioned military coup.
Military trials of Egyptian civilians persist and the military leadership has expanded and extended the 30-year-old, widely criticized Emergency Law once used by Mubarak to justify his authoritarian tactics."
Pay attention, neoconservatives: this is why U.S. intervention overseas to aid regime change (such as that in Libya) is always a bad idea-- it is impossible to know how these things are going to turn out. Even with the best intentions, getting involved in foreign civil wars and revolutions is always at best, a gamble... a gamble with the lives of our troops, the lives of foreign civilians, the international prestige and honor of the United States, and untold millions, billions, or even trillions of dollars extorted from the American economy.

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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