Could it get any more stupid than this? A new Wikileaks cable reveals that before he pushed hard for war this year against Gaddafi's regime in Libya (by actually aiding Al Qaeda forces among the Libyan rebels with U.S. airpower ....yeah), Senator John McCain was the dominant congressional voice in pushing for military aid to Gaddafi in the form of providing lethal and non-lethal U.S. military equipment.
The Politico reports:
So let me get this straight: In America, good, conservative, patriots-- like John McCain, of course-- support arming America's enemies and then sending our brave young men and women to go get shot with weapons we helped give the other side??

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
The Politico reports:
A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable shows that Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain promised to help Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi obtain U.S. military hardware in 2009.
The cable, released by the open information group WikiLeaks, reveals the pledge came at meeting that was attended by other prominent members of Congress, including Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.).
In the meeting, Muatassim Qadhafi, the Libyan leader’s fifth son and national security adviser, requested U.S. assistance in obtaining military supplies, both lethal and non-lethal.
The cable indicates that McCain was the dominant voice among the congressional delegation in a push for military hardware for Qadhafi.
“Sen. McCain assured Muatassim that the United States wanted to provide Libya with the equipment it needs for its … security,” according to the cable.
McCain said that he understood the need for Libya to upgrade its existing ranks of C-130 Hercules aircraft. Libya had bought eight of the military cargo aircraft in the 1970s, but as bilateral relationships with the United States deteriorated, a ban of arms sales prevented the aircraft from being moved to North Africa. McCain pledged to do what he could to move the issue forward in Congress.
So let me get this straight: In America, good, conservative, patriots-- like John McCain, of course-- support arming America's enemies and then sending our brave young men and women to go get shot with weapons we helped give the other side??

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page