Audio: Wes Messamore / Ron Paul Interview on June 5th during the Ron Paul Moneybomb Radio Marathon (Over $1M raised!)
Here it is: the embedded audio recording of my half hour interview with Congressman and 2012 Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. I asked some tough questions about the direction of Dr. Paul's campaign and got some surprising and encouraging answers. Listen in to hear Ron Paul's take on his campaign's message control and marketing to likely primary voters, what he learned from his son's successful U.S. Senate campaign in Kentucky, whether he ever gets frustrated with the unfair questions he gets and the relative softball questions his opponents get, what his very worst vice is, and how he plans to make revolutionary changes as president without overstepping the boundaries of executive authority:
Hat tip to Kurt Wallace at LibertyPulse.
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
Hat tip to Kurt Wallace at LibertyPulse.
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page