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Video- Mitt Romney: "Hang" Obama

That's it for Mitt Romney. Ron Paul's most serious competition in the GOP 2012 primary just took a major blow to his electability with one ill-advised gaffe. He suggested at a forum in New Hampshire that we should slip the economic misery index around Obama's neck and "hang" him. Of course Mitt Romney isn't racist and didn't mean what he said racially in any way, shape, or form, but it is going to be used against him for sure in what one commentator has already said is going to be the "most racist campaign" in American history.

Accusations of racism are probably unfair to Mitt, because let's be honest, if he had actually even been thinking about Obama's race, he wouldn't have said what he did at all. He obviously wasn't thinking about Obama's race, so his words were obviously not racially-motivated. He was talking about Obama just the same way he was talking about Carter-- a white guy-- and the same way he would talk about any other white politician.

But here's the most important-- and true-- accusation: Mitt Romney is obviously not ready for prime time. A libertarian friend of mine noted that Mitt Romney is trying so hard to posture as "the safe candidate" and this blunder proves he is anything but.


Hat tip: Memeorandum

Oh yeah-- and would you like to know who really is a racist? Donald Trump

No, no, no-- not because of the birth certificate thing-- that just makes him an idiot who likes attention. Donald Trump, who recently blurted out in an interview that he has a great relationship with "the blacks," has actually had a pretty troubling relationship with the black American community, including when he was sued by the Justice Department for not renting to "the blacks" and quoting them different prices than white renters.

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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