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#MusicMonday - Bush Was Right

So while spending time in DC this month, I decided to swing by the office of Young Americans for Liberty where I interned last summer to visit old friends and pick up a tax form. While there I was unexpectedly treated to the best example of unintentional comedy I have experienced so far in 2011, a song entitled "Bush Was Right" by The Right Brothers.

It all started as we joked about turning traditional Christian hymns into songs glorifying war, occupation, and the military-industrial complex. The idea would be to show how silly it is that so many evangelical Christians who worship "The Prince of Peace" also supported the Bush policies of preemption, invasion, and open-ended occupation of other countries, resulting in the deaths of literally tens of thousands of civilians (including many Christians who live in the Middle East).

The problem, we quickly determined, was that people might actually take the music seriously! We just imagined pitching the idea to an altogether enthusiastic executive at the David Horowitz Freedom Center: "Yeah! That's an excellent idea. Too many young people these days don't seem to realize that Jesus wants us to invade other countries."

Just then someone started playing a little gem called "Bush Was Right" from their laptop and it took a lot of convincing to persuade me that the song was meant to be taken seriously. I still can't help but feel like it's a Stephen Colbert-style parody of neoconservative thought. Oh well. Here it is. You can make up your own mind. Embedding is disabled, so you'll have to click the link to listen.

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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