But you see that is precisely the point- he was a socialist, but Orwell never hesitated to burn bridges if he thought that his movement was going astray. His most famous works, Animal Farm and 1984 are his refutations of what he called the "stupid cult of Russia" and totalitarian socialism. Orwell was a democratic-socialist and so he detested the Marxist Bolsheviks. And the rest of the "cult of Russia" and the larger part of the left during his time detested him. History has shown Orwell to be quite correct, and his opponents "led into the Marsh" most ironically by Lenin himself.
So what is the point? What bearing does this have for the modern Liberty movement? Orwell teaches us an important lesson about individualism and mass movements. We should never be afraid to speak truth to power- even at the risk of offending and enraging our friends and allies.
As a movement of individualists, as opposed to one of collectivists, we are naturally less inclined to group-think. But it would be a mistake to consider it a trait of our breed to be immune from pressures to conform!
So as we go forward on our march to change the course of history, right the wrongs, to reduce the State, to restore the Constitution, and rebuild the Republic remember this-
Always keep your independence of mind.
(Also posted to Young Americans for Liberty)
Eric Sharp,
Regular Columnist, THL
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