(Not that the US is in very much better condition)

"The Ludwig Von Mises institute of Canada was founded in November of 2010 in order to spread the teachings of the Austrian School of Economics to Canada and around the world.
Please sign up to receive the Canadian Mises Daily in your in box.
It has been 80 years since the beginning of what later became known as the “great depression”. Canada made many of the same mistakes that the United States made when it came to economics and state intervention in the market that Herbert Hoover and FDR did.
A quote from R.B. Bennett (Conservative PM of Canada, August 7, 1930 – October 23, 1935) On his own Canadian take on the New Deal
“In my mind reform means government intervention. It means government control and regulation. It means the end of Laissez-faire …. I summon the power of the state to it’s support”
We are on the verge of another great depression as we speak, and the powers that be seem intent on making many of the same mistakes.
In this climate of stimulus packages, bailouts and the European social welfare state disintegrating before our eyes, we in Canada felt we could stand on the sidelines no longer. The teachings of the Austrian school need to be disseminated far and wide, so people can see through the machinations of our financial class and be provided the knowledge necessary to challenge those who would claim the right to control our economic lives.
Within these pages you will find the beginnings of the centre for Austrian school in Canada – we look forward to your contribution – whether as a reader, a writer, or simply a supporter of our vision."
Mises Canada has their own unique Canadian Mises Daily articles that you should subscribe to in addition to the US Mises Daily. They also have a unique book store coming in January.
This marks a turning point in Canadian history, let us turn our attention to Canada and their freedom for afterall the destinies of all free peoples are interlinked.
(Also, as a side note, I will be writing some of the Mises Daily there so sure to subscribe!)