This is urgent- I'm writing to ask for volunteers to do some phone banking for a Ron Paul-endorsed U.S. House candidate in North Carolina. Please respond to this post via e-mail (wemessamore@gmail.com) by Noon (12:00) EDT tomorrow (Tuesday, October 26, 2010) if you are free tomorrow evening (again- Tuesday, October 26, 2010) at 7 pm EDT (4 pm PDT) for two hours. We'll do a brief conference call (I'll send you the number to call) to go over a script which I'll e-mail you, answer any questions you have, and then get started on a list of people to call (I'll also e-mail you the spreadsheets with their names and phone numbers, which the campaign will provide).
The Candidate
His name is Dr. William "B.J." Lawson. BJ is the Republican candidate running against Rep. David Price, a 22 year Democratic incumbent who votes with Nancy Pelosi more than any other Congressman. Lawson is a Washington and political outsider, small business owner, Ron Paul-endorsed, and dedicated to curtailing the size, role, and influence of Washington DC.
The Cause (why I'm asking you to volunteer)
Although Lawson is in a heavily Democratic district, an August 12 poll showed Lawson with a 46.5% to 46.1% advantage over Price. That is a tight race! With the overwhelming frustration voters have toward Democrats and incumbents this year, we might just be able to pull out a victory in this district and seat a freshman Congressman with every bit of principle and strong statesmanship that we have seen from Congressman Ron Paul! But with the race so tight and so much establishment money in the hands of Lawson's opponent, this will ONLY happen if we push hard for him in the final stretch (which is right now!).
The Conclusion
Lawson is very young and has many years ahead of him and a potentially bright future in politics advancing the message of limited government, individual liberty, and the Constitutional rule of law. I have personally heard him speak in North Carolina, and he is one of the most articulate (and witty) defenders of liberty that I have ever had the privilege of meeting. We CANNOT afford to lose this race when victory is so close!
E-mail me back right away if you can do this tomorrow evening. Those of you who enjoyed it and would like to volunteer additional hours can be connected directly with the campaign and given more names to call throughout the rest of this week if you have an hour here or an hour there to spare for your future and mine!
Thanks so much!
Wes Messamore
PS: Any questions? Just ask!

Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
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