Wes Messamore records some Contemporary Aqua Buddhist Music to have a good laugh at silly Jack Conway's expense. My album will be coming out after the election and available on iTunes for I think $10. Help me make this video go viral! Share it around. Embed it on your blogs and Facebook profiles. Tweet it out. Vote it up on Reddit. Thanks!
For more on the whole Aqua Buddha madness in the Kentucky U.S. Senate election between Rand Paul and Jack Conway, check out the following:
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page
For more on the whole Aqua Buddha madness in the Kentucky U.S. Senate election between Rand Paul and Jack Conway, check out the following:
The Nastiest Debate of 2010 (M)
The Conway Rorschach (M)
Why The Fuss About Jack Conway? (M)
Conway's Attack on Paul Slammed By Fellow Dems (M)
Wes Messamore,
Editor in Chief, THL
Articles | Author's Page