"In the dog days of August, with temperatures in D.C. rising above 100, Nancy Pelosi called the House back to Washington to enact legislation that could not wait until September.
"Purpose: Vote $26 billion to prevent layoffs of state, municipal, and county employees whose own governments had decided they had to be let go if they were to meet their constitutional duty to balance their books.
"Workers their own governments thought expendable, Congress decided were so essential, it borrowed another 26 thousand million dollars from China to keep them on state and local payrolls.
"Consider, too, the states deepest in debt and facing the largest cuts in employee ranks, pay and benefits: California, Illinois, New York.
"In these states, public employees earn at least $10,000 per year more in pay and benefits than the average America worker, who is bailing them out.
"Hence, we have a situation where private sector workers in Middle America are being taxed, their children being driven ever deeper into debt to China, so government employees who have greater job security than they do, and earn more in pay and benefits than they will ever earn, can stay in Fat City.
"And folks wonder why so many Americans detest government."
Read the rest at The American Conservative

Carl Wicklander,
Regular Columnist, THL
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