Below: Russian spy Anna Chapman pulling off her best Jennifer Aniston impression. No kidding. Check out this Jennifer Aniston pic and tell me that Anna Chapman doesn't totally look like her. That's the real story here. Anna Chapman's been impersonating one of American television's most beloved stars. Not cool.

All I can say about Russian spy Anna Chapman, is that this libertarian has never found Communism more appealing.
(And how on earth did the New York Post get all these photos of Anna Chapman?)
You can read more information about Russian spy Anna Chapman at NBC and the Washington Post.
In all seriousness:
Lew Rockwell has the right idea when he argues that these Russian "spies" weren't really doing anything criminal (what's wrong with learning information about the gold market from a top financier?) and that the FBI, which has been spying on the "spies" for a decade now "chose to expose them right after the Russian president’s visit, to stoke hostilities. The Russians have said they may roll-up a US illegal spy ring or two in response. Let’s hope not. US hardliners want at least another Cold War, just like Truman. Spy hysteria helps."