The campaign seems to prefer the term "money blast" to the grassroots neologism "money bomb" coined by supporters of Congressman (and father to Rand) Ron Paul's bid for U.S. President in 2007-08.
In a campaign that constantly faces down charges of radicalism, the choice of words can make a difference. Ostensibly the campaign wants to avoid violent imagery, including the word "bomb."
Speaking at a recent fundraiser in Washington D.C., Rand Paul said:
'"You'll see that they want to paint me -- the Courier, the Herald, even some of these national newspapers up here -- as being 'extreme,'" Paul said. "One of the answers I learned from my dad, because they tried to do this to him, is flip it around and ask, what's extreme? It's extreme to have a $2 trillion deficit."'
As of 11:00 am Eastern Time, Rand Paul had raised over $33,000 for the day and discouraged supporters at RonPaulForums.com expressed their hope that Rand would raise a lot more by the end of the day:
"I donated first thing (see post # 4) and I'll be back for a second round this evening. If others want to stand by and watch Maddow and Matthews steal a victory from us, they are welcome to do so, but I won't be part of that."
"This student is nearly tapped dry
Eating Mac n Cheese for the next 2 days"
In an e-mail to his supporters today, Dr. Paul wrote:
"My opponent is a big government, tax and spend trial lawyer. He has done little in his life but run for or be in office.
He is exactly what I mean when I say we won't change Washington until we change the kind of people we send.
I am a career physician who has built and run a small business. I believe in fighting for Liberty and for restoring our government to Constitutional limits.
I won't be just another vote in Washington. I will stand up and fight for reform.
I know you support these same ideals. And I am counting on you to stand with me today."

W. E. Messamore, Editor in Chief
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