Cross-posted from Young Americans for Liberty:
- Stay out of our way! Federal goverment halts sand berm dredging in Louisiana, a technique that creates barriers to protect the coastline from oil.
- Flashback: Obama Secretary of Energy says BP is going to help save the world in 2007.
- Why does this keep happening? Passengers forced to remain on a plane for hours as it waited on the tarmac in sweltering 100 degree tempertures because the generators broke and there was no air conditioning. There were babies on the plane. People were fainting.
- Elena Kagan at odds with Obama's promises of transparency. (Which isn't such a big deal, because so it Obama.)
- Jeb Bush not interested in the Presidency.
- Why Every President Sucked, The Album
- Fired? White House "sinking its teeth" into General McCrystal
- Advice: Where McCrystal and staff went wrong
- Nikki Haley, a self-described "libertarian" wins GOP nomination for South Carolina governor despite attacks on her race, religion, and sexuality. (YAL does not endorse candidates for public office)
- Presidential Porkers: The history of America's fat presidents (and why American could use a fat president now).
- Downsize the Department of Transportation
- The Fate of the Internet decided in a back room
- Bashing BP for doing exactly what the government led them to do.

W. E. Messamore, Editor in Chief
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