I'm permanently moving my weekly radio program from 7 - 9 pm Central Time on Saturdays to that same time slot on Sundays. I've been getting some feedback that more people are at home and available on Sunday evenings than Saturdays, so we'll see how this works.
Thanks so much for bearing with me as I make all these changes to get this libertarian blog where it needs to be (at the top of the blogosphere raining down libertarian ideas like a refreshing Spring shower and waging peace on the whole world).
Like the picture above? Me too. It's a perfect prelude to announce a most awesome of interview line-ups for this Sunday's show. (Don't forget- it's this Sunday now!)
Tim Daniel and I will be interviewing TN state representative Beth Harwell about her sponsorship of Tennessee's Health Freedom Act, to nullify ObamaCare. Then we'll be talking with Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, to discuss how states should respond to the Federal takeover of your health care decisions. (I've got the feeling he'll say Rep. Harwell has the right idea!)
After that, we will be taking your calls, questions, comments, etc. The call in number is (646) 929-2657 and you can listen to the show live by visiting this page during the broadcast. If you miss the show, just visit that same page after the broadcast and the recording will play for you, or use the nifty little widget in the right sidebar here at THL.