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My First E-Book, "Learn About Liberty" Is Available Now- For Free!

I am hereby releasing my very first libertarian e-book, which is entitled: "Learn About Liberty," and I am proud to announce that it is absolutely free! Just click the link above or the image below to start reading it right here on THL. You don't even have to bother with PDFs or Word Documents.

While the book is available absolutely free of charge, your voluntarily payment for whatever value you get out of reading it is encouraged and welcome!

(More details on the concluding page of the book.)

Also please help me spread the word about it and promote it to the many people out there who are interested in learning about libertarianism. My hope is that this will be a powerful educational tool and resource for years to come, which is one reason I wanted to make it available on my website to anyone who wants to read it.

In the meantime, I will be working on my next e-book, which I am very excited about! Hopefully I will be ready to take orders for it by the end of this Spring. Even bigger than that- I am also working on a larger book that I hope to be pitching to agents and major publishers by mid-Summer. The working title for it is Bush 2.0.

While I'm doing all this work, I am also committed to keeping you up to date with solid libertarian news and commentary in the regular blog updates here at The Humble Libertarian. This is why your contributions and help are most welcome and deeply appreciated. Your donations buy me the time to advocate tirelessly and creatively for liberty.

Yours Truly,
Wes Messamore

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