Did you hear about Joe Biden's F-bomb? Oh yeah- the gaffe-prone Vice President Joe Biden totally dropped the F-word on national television at the President's signing of the new health care bill. Lol.
Oblivious of the open mic in front of them, Joe Biden shook the President's hand and whispered (not very quietly) into his ear "this is a big *F-bomb* -ing deal." Here's the "Joe Biden F-Bomb video..."
No grand, eloquent, or flowery speech here. Nothing like "One small step for man..." just a crass "this is a big fucking deal!" How emblematic of the corrupt, classless, gutter politics dominating the White House today.
The vulgar language is a fitting capstone to the vulgarization of America's parliamentary and democratic processes for the sake of unwanted Federal price-fixing and the sweeping consolidation of an already unchecked, monopolistic health insurance cartel.
What Joe Biden really meant to say when he dropped the F-bomb was "**** you, America!" That was the essence of the Democrats' message and attitude in passing this health "reform" legislation.
And in addition to the Biden F-bomb video above, the following is a video list of previous Joe Biden gaffes:
Oblivious of the open mic in front of them, Joe Biden shook the President's hand and whispered (not very quietly) into his ear "this is a big *F-bomb* -ing deal." Here's the "Joe Biden F-Bomb video..."
No grand, eloquent, or flowery speech here. Nothing like "One small step for man..." just a crass "this is a big fucking deal!" How emblematic of the corrupt, classless, gutter politics dominating the White House today.
The vulgar language is a fitting capstone to the vulgarization of America's parliamentary and democratic processes for the sake of unwanted Federal price-fixing and the sweeping consolidation of an already unchecked, monopolistic health insurance cartel.
What Joe Biden really meant to say when he dropped the F-bomb was "**** you, America!" That was the essence of the Democrats' message and attitude in passing this health "reform" legislation.
And in addition to the Biden F-bomb video above, the following is a video list of previous Joe Biden gaffes: