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Tell Congress to Audit the Fed NOW!

The latest action item from the Campaign for Liberty. Please take just five minutes to read this over and sign the petition to your U.S. Senators. You can do it very easily electronically, and Campaign for Liberty makes sure your Senators are notified.


Dear Patriot:

For a while there, it looked like you and I had him.

Ben Bernanke’s back was to the wall, and he was being grilled by the Senate. His reconfirmation was anything but certain.

In the end, he managed to squeak through. Nevertheless, we should be truly proud of what we accomplished.

Fewer senators backed Bernanke’s reconfirmation than that of any other Fed Chair before. EVER.

He was publicly shamed by your grassroots pressure.

You and I can’t let this public scrutiny go to waste!

That’s why I need you to sign our petition demanding an up-or-down roll call vote on the Audit the Fed Bill IMMEDIATELY.

But now we also face new challenges. Until this vote, Ben Bernanke and his Fed cronies were just laughing us off.

This was a real shot across the bow, and they got the message.

Now, the Fed and their high-powered lobbyists are digging in. We have the momentum, but they won’t easily budge an inch.

That’s why I hope you’ll sign the Senate “Audit the Fed NOW!” petition and also make a generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on our Senate targets and combat the Fed’s new lobbying counter-offensive.

They’ll be pulling out all the stops, calling in all their Senate favors and drumming up as much support as they can muster to derail our Audit the Fed freight train.

Remember, the Fed was able to secure 99 out of 100 Senate votes for Bernanke’s first confirmation in 2006. So, they’ve had nearly the whole Senate in their pocket before.

But the recent vote clearly showed cracks in the armor, since 30 senators voted against Bernanke’s reconfirmation.

Even though the Fed’s grip on the U.S. Senate is slipping, they’re not likely to let go without a fight.

So now we need to push harder than ever before.

We can’t let up the pressure one bit, or the bankster lobbyists will convince Congress that our Audit movement was “just a fluke.”

I couldn’t stand to see all our hard work go up in smoke.

We need to show them we’re here to stay, and we mean business!

So please, sign the petition I’ve linked below right away and make a generous $100, $50 or $25 contribution to C4L.


The Fed’s lobbyists will throw their weight around and try to pin back down Senators who’ve slipped out from under their thumb.

The good news is it may be too late for that.

After the grassroots OUTRAGE over Ben Bernanke’s reconfirmation, most senators are terrified their re-election bids will be D.O.A. if they’re seen backing the Fed now.

Just look at how Federal Reserve lackeys like Senators Chris Dodd and Evan Bayh are ducking out of their races.

They read the handwriting on the wall and knew there was no way they could explain away their support for the Fed’s secret banking and currency devaluation.

They couldn’t survive the voters again, because the American people have wised up to the Fed’s destructive meddling.

Before Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign, I never would have thought this possible.

There was just no way Americans everywhere would be asking “Why do we even need a Fed?”

But now voters everywhere are hearing the Fed apologists’ big lie and are rejecting it outright.

You know the one. We’ve heard it ad nauseam for months.

That the Federal Reserve “saved our economy.” That they “brought us back from the brink of disaster.”

Today, fewer and fewer people are buying that story. And the Fed is paying the price in slipping Senate support.

The America people are finally realizing that the Fed is responsible for bringing this economic crisis down on our heads in the first place!

And that’s why now is the perfect time to launch our Audit the Fed push into high gear.


I hope you’ll sign this petition INSISTING your senators immediately push for an up or down roll call vote on Audit the Fed.

But I really hope you’ll make a generous $100, $50 or $25 contribution so Campaign for Liberty can really kick the pressure into overdrive and combat the Fed’s new lobbying push.

With your help, we’ll drop truckloads of mail, hitting carefully-selected target senators in their own state...

...we’ll crank up the phone banks to rally the grassroots and light up the Senate switchboards...

...we’ll organize rallies and protests right in these swing senators’ backyards.

We’ll hit our targets where it HURTS.

And with your help, we’ll finally get our vote on Audit the Fed.

It all starts with you.

I’m counting on your petition, but when a fight like this comes to a head...

...when push comes to SHOVE...

...even a towering stack of petitions won’t get the job done.

That’s why I’m also counting on you for a generous contribution of $100, $50 or $25 right away.

You see, the Fed banksters may be down, but they’re certainly not out yet. In fact, they’re just getting started.

And they still have plenty of pull, and lots of loyal friends in high places.

That’s why we need to double down on target senators who can still be freed from the Fed’s stranglehold.

And that’s why your contribution of $100, $50 or even just $25 is so important. It lets us really turn up the heat in target states where we’ll get the most “bang for the buck.”

So please, click here to sign the petition to your senators and then please make a generous contribution of $100, $50 or $25 to Campaign for Liberty.

We’re almost at the finish line, but the going’s about to get tough. Please don’t quit now.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Ever since Ben Bernanke was reconfirmed with the most tepid “support” of any Fed Chairmen EVER, the public scrutiny of the Fed has never been higher. Unfortunately, the Fed lobbyists are now beginning to really push back.

That’s why we must gear up too, and launch our Audit the Fed push into OVERDRIVE!


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