I was an unabashed supporter of Obama, but that ended a couple months ago. For me the last straw was the announcement at West Point of the Afghanistan buildup, which ironically was not a broken promise, but combined with everything else, that was it for me.
I've returned to a very cynical attitude towards politicians in general, including Obama. I think he's a puppet for the Military Industrial Complex, the Insurance companies and the Banks.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for being willing to admit what's before your very eyes, that Obama is doing the opposite of what he said he would. This shows that you're not blindly clinging to the "idea of Obama" or a campaign that I'm sure felt really, really good for Democrats.
It shows you really want what's best for our country, you really expected Obama to deliver the kind of change we needed, and you're willing to take him to task for going back on his word.
Many political commentators and news junkies are just partisans drinking the Kool-Aid, but you sir, are a true patriot.
PS: Afghanistan may not have been a broken promise, but Obama did very consciously ride a wave of anti-war sentiment right into the White House. As an anti-war guy myself, if I had voted for him, I would feel pretty lied to right now.