Hey everybody! I've been planning a regular, weekly radio show since November, and it looks like now we're finally going to make it happen. Tentatively, we'll start doing it Saturday evenings and play it by ear from there. Feel free to give feedback on how that matches up with your availability.
It shouldn't interfere too much with anyone's weekend plans because the show will be at 7 pm Central Time, and will run for two hours. So if you have fun things to do, we'll be done by 10 pm Eastern at the latest (and all the good parties and clubs don't get really going until 11 or 12 *wink*).
So do please tune in tonight from 7 - 8:30 pm Central (we'll be doing a shorter show tonight) by visiting this page to stream the show live on your computer. We'll be covering Chile's 8.8 earthquake and the resulting tsunami warning for Hawaii, as well as other current events.
Blogger Tim Daniel of Left Coast Rebel will be co-hosting for an hour and we'll both be sharing some of our best tips for political blogging. He lives in San Diego, so might be able to report live about some of the effects on the Pacific Coast of the giant wave Chile's earthquake sent across the ocean.
We will be taking calls throughout the show to get your thoughts and opinions. The call in number is 646.929.2657. See you then!