In the meantime, I highly encourage everyone (especially students) to join YAL and advance the ideas and philosophy of liberty on what is perhaps America's most crucial ideological battlefield- the university.
Here are ten reasons you should join YAL:
1. Receive a copy of Young American Revolution (YAR)
Four times a year, YAL publishes a national magazine titled Young American Revolution. The magazine solicits student and professional writers dedicated to the ideals of liberty and the tactics of practical politics. All YAL members will receive a free copy of YAR in the mail. An annual subscription to YAR alone is worth the $10 dues.
2. Host Ron Paul and other speakers on your campus
Rallies on college campuses brought the biggest crowds during the presidential campaign, so why stop now? Dr. Paul has agreed to speak at a handful of YAL sponsored college events next semester, so we'll be looking for YAL chapters to host these events. Other keynote speakers, such as Tom Woods, have also spoken at YAL events.
3. Participate in YAL events
Every month it is the goal of YAL National to organize a national event that all chapters can participate in on their campus. This will afford us the opportunity to bring attention to specific issues and dates, show our strength in numbers, and celebrate our values as an organization.
4. Learn the tactics and strategies to win in politics
You owe it to your philosophy to learn how to win. It is fundamental to our mission to train our members how to win in politics. Whether it is a lobby effort, local campaign, or student government election, YAL will develop a training curriculum to teach you the nuts and bolts of winning in politics.
5. Attend the 2010 YAL Nation Convention
Speakers, training workshops, National Committee elections, and partying will comprise the of 2010 YAL National Convention in Washington, DC. It's going to be another huge event!
6. Receive activism grants
Passing out monopoly money to demonstrate the concept of fiat money? Exposing a Marxist professor? Promoting the ideas of liberty on campus? Too many great ideas never happen, because they do not have the smallest amount of funding. We want to provide YAL chapters with the opportunity to apply for "activism grants" and receive financial support to accomplish their activism projects.
7. Find jobs and internships
Hundreds of internships and jobs are offered within the liberty movement, and we want to connect you with those opportunities.
8. Connect with like-minded organizations
There are countless numbers of resources currently available to students, so there is no need for YAL to reinvent the wheel. We will just gather all the resources in one place and connect you with the proper organization.
9. Network with like-minded people
The Internet is the best resource we've got. Right now, we are developing a website to launch before the beginning of next semester to keep our members networked and informed. YAL members will have exclusive access to many areas of the site.
10. Get free YAL Stuff
There's nothing better than free stuff, and we want to give it to you. T-shirts, cozies, bumper stickers, bottle openers, books, hats, buttons, etc. When we've got them, we give them to our members.