Bonnie Kristian, the blogger in chief at Young Americans for Liberty, has recently started a new website at BonnieKristian.com, which she describes thusly:
This blog’s primary purpose is to be a sort of political advice column. Like Dear Abby, but for politics. It’s a new idea which may prove smart quickly, slowly, or not at all, so expect to see a varying proportion of posts which don’t match the advice column format. If you have a question you’d like addressed – about current events, political philosophy, civic history, or some other politics-related topic – use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit it!
Taking Miss Kristian up on her offer, I submitted the following question:
Q. My question is two-fold (er- sort of two-and-a-half fold): I understand that it’s a little early, but 1. Who do you think the GOP will nominate in 2012, and 2. who do you think the GOP *should* nominate in 2012 (and 2b. what do you think of Republican Governor Gary Johnson)? — Wes from Nashville, TN.
You can read her answer here.
What do you think?
Meanwhile, do feel free to answer my "sort of two-and-a-half fold" question in the comment thread below...