Dude. This is one of the weirdest, creepiest things I have ever heard. Rush Limbaugh tells Obama "Let me be the father you never had," and then expresses his political disagreements with the President in the form of a heart-to-heart lecture that a father would give to his son, encouraging him to "man up," be mature, and take responsibility.
Listening to it, I can't help but laugh awkwardly. Seriously: "Let me be the father you never had"? That's just a really odd thing to say. Of course Mr. Limbaugh is a brilliant marketer, and I think this is exactly the calculated effect he would hope to have. He pulled it off very well. I am interested to see the responses this will get across the media and punditry.
(H.T. Government Mess)
Listening to it, I can't help but laugh awkwardly. Seriously: "Let me be the father you never had"? That's just a really odd thing to say. Of course Mr. Limbaugh is a brilliant marketer, and I think this is exactly the calculated effect he would hope to have. He pulled it off very well. I am interested to see the responses this will get across the media and punditry.
(H.T. Government Mess)