Campaign Finance and Libertarians
This commentator thinks that the recent Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance law will be a boon to the Libertarian Party.
Scott Brown a "small government" candidate?
Meanwhile, a columnist at North Star National gripes at Libertarian Party candidate, Joe Kennedy of the recent Massachusetts special Senate election, in "Small government candidate wins, no thanks to Libertarian Party." (Calling Scott Brown a "small government" candidate is a total joke, btw. It shows that this columnist either wasn't paying attention, or is confused about what small government means.)
How Many American Voters Are Libertarians?
This month the Cato Institute published an analysis to quantify the libertarian vote. The result? "We find that 14 percent of American voters can be classified as libertarian. Other surveys find a larger number of people who hold views that are neither consistently liberal nor conservative but are best described as libertarian. A 2009 Gallup poll found that 23 percent held libertarian views. A Zogby poll found that 59 percent considered themselves 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal,' and 44 percent agreed that they were 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal, also known as libertarian.'"
Here at THL... we like to hear that :)
Libertarians should "love government"??
This libertarian dissects what he considers to be some major "libertarian" illogic.
Libertarian Health Care Solutions
The Economist calls Megan McArdle's healthcare policy proposal "A libertarian healthcare proposal." LOL. Yeah right. This is a real libertarian health care proposal.
Why Libertarian and not Republican?
In a guest interview with Gay Agenda, Libertarian Party candidate for Congress, Rob McNealy says: "I am running for Congress as a Libertarian because I no longer believe the solutions to saving our country lie anywhere within the two party system." Ouch. Considering how long our two party system has been in place and how much good it's done (or hasn't), Mr. McNealy has a point!