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Senate Passes Health Bill

From Politico: "At 7:16 a.m., the Senate passed on a 60-39 party line vote a sweeping health care bill that will tighten insurance regulations, provide insurance for 31 million more Americans and cost $871 billion over the next decade." (It will also do this.)

Here's what Mitch McConnell, the Republican Minority Leader in the Senate had to say this morning:

Those are some awfully tough words for a Senator who pulled his punches and allowed Harry Reid's healthcare bill to come to a vote this morning.

Mitch McConnell Caves

Instead of putting pressure on the Democrats and holding the vote off until this evening (which under procedural rules in the Senate, McConnell could have done), he moved the vote to this morning so he and his Republican colleagues could get home for Christmas.

In an e-mail update I received from the Campaign for Liberty: "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell caved in on health care, rushing the bill through to an earlier vote so he and his buddies can make their vacations on time. Merry Christmas, from the spineless Republican leadership."

Unbelievable! How on earth are we supposed to keep our country free and prosperous, when freedom's alleged defenders are working with its detractors to rush through terrible legislation like this!?

I say the biggest problem on Capitol Hill, and the greatest threat to our liberties is not the Democrats, who overtly believe in a command-and-control, centrally-planned economy and society, but the Republicans, who claim to oppose such grand and critically-flawed schemes, but who always manage to end up complicit in their successful implementation.

Mitch "McCoward"

Seriously, Mitch! Why don't you just put a middle finger right up in our faces? How about a little sacrifice? We have kids over in Afghanistan who aren't going to get to see their families for Christmas, and you couldn't hold the line for just a few more hours to improve our chances of blocking this legislation? Then you have the audacity to get up and lecture about how bad this bill is? This bill whose passage you pushed up to this morning?

And patriots- if you want to witness some serious audacity/hypocrisy on the part of Senator McConnell, you should check out what Michelle Malkin is reporting in this regard:

'I listened to Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell on Sean Hannity’s radio show yesterday.

He sounded tired and barely able to rally the troops against the Democrats’ government health care takeover.

He told Sean’s guest host at the end of an obligatory-sounding critique of Harry Reid that, and I quote, “We’re going to fight ‘em all the way to the finish line.”

That’s what he said:

“We’re going to fight ‘em all the way to the finish line.”

Before the cloture vote on sneaky Sunday, Sen. John McCain had sounded the same message with more energy, invoking John Paul Jones and vowing: “We have not yet begun to fight.”

Well, the fight’s been called off.'

This is what passes for leadership. For goodness' sake get some freaking spines! Then again I should not have been surprised at this kind of behavior out of Moderate McConnell. He's an establishment Republican, not a true believer, not a grassroots Republican. Senator McConnell- you are right that voters will not forget which Senators supported this bill with an "Aye" vote. I hope Kentucky voters also will not forget who rushed the bill to a vote in the first place.

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