I shared the link to it and wrote: "Share this with everyone you know! We have got to take our country back and laugh these lunatics to scorn!"
Well one of my friends forwarded the link and message to her cousin who responded: "Fortunately, we just accomplished taking our country back from the lunatics."
That attitude is so prevalent among Democrats and Republicans alike (that the people in "that other" party are the clueless ones), even though the leadership of both parties over the past couple decades has been virtually indistinguishable, that I felt the need to share the comment with you along with my response.
In truth my Harry Reid song, my e-mail accusation of lunacy at our highest levels of leadership, and this entire website as a whole are not partisan rants directed at the Democrats. I equally criticize and ridicule the leaders of both parties because they are often both equally inclined to support critically flawed and ridiculous policies.
Anyways, here was my response to my friend:
I think your cousin means that the Republicans are the lunatics- sadly I think in a lot of cases your cousin is correct! That's just it- I don't take sides- I harshly criticize both because both parties are leading us down the wrong path. I wish your cousin could see that the Democrats are doing all the very same things that probably irk your cousin when the Republicans do them. I wish I could feel like your cousin, that we have taken our country back from the wrong kind of leadership, but every four years one half or the other of this country feels that way and I never get to feel that way! I always just lose : (