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A Libertarian Message For 9-11 "Truthers"

I could not have better articulated my thoughts for the 9-11 "Truthers" in the libertarian movement today. Please read all of this article by Jerry Salcido at the Campaign for Liberty.

Philosophy vs. Conspiracy
By Jerry Salcido
View all 9 articles by Jerry Salcido
Published 12/23/09

'Anyone who has worked in support of the liberty movement knows an unfortunate truth: it is all too often associated, rightly or wrongly, with "conspiracy theories" -- those all too often unsubstantiated, speculative viewpoints on various topics such as the assassination of JFK, the attempted assassination of Reagan, 9/11, the role of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds in modern world history, and the current doings of the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. The problem is that liberty's enemies are very aware of this association as well and they use it to their advantage. Too often freedom's detractors slander the liberty movement as being filled with conspiracy nuts and other wackos.

But you know what? In this regard, the dissidents have a point.

Now before any of you David-Icke-website-readers throw your latest edition of The Committee of 300 at your computer screen out of frustration, please know that I could care less if you believe that the Queen of England is the head of a vast secret organization hell-bent on making the United States English colonies again; or, that the Illuminati has been working for 300 years to reduce all mankind to slavery; or, that the Rothschilds have surreptitiously started every war since 1850 through their financing of national governments. Obviously, what you choose to believe is your prerogative and your right.

I can even admire many of the conspiracy theorists for their zeal in trying to bring to light corruption and some of the important questions they have raised (Why did Tower 7 fall anyway?) which poke holes in the "official" story. But at the end of the day, those same issues, no matter how entertaining or interesting, only become road blocks in furthering liberty, because no one wants to discuss universal healthcare, TARP, the deficit, or the War on Terror with someone who leads the discussion with "9/11 was an inside job" or "JFK was assassinated because he was going to get rid of the Federal Reserve."

More pragmatically, with regards to the furtherance of liberty, conspiracy theories, more often than not, are irrelevant. Most people are not concerned with whether there is a secret organization or two or three, etc. that controls the world's leaders and aims to bring every nation under a one world government. Most people are, however, concerned with their individual liberties and the governmental measures that result in their loss.'

Read the rest here.

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