Instead, we need to take a step back, have a real dialogue about the problems with our system and how to solve them, and then carefully craft good legislation that will solve these problems without giant expenditures to buy off votes and reward corporate lobbying. That's the right thing to do. That's the statesmanlike thing to do. That's what Americans deserve.
So today's your last chance to tell your Senator to vote against Harry Reid's monstrosity of a bill and support a careful, measured, sane, transparent, non-lobbying, non-corrupt, pragmatic approach to healthcare reform moving forward.
Use the Campaign For Liberty's simple tool to quickly find the Senators from your state, their contact info, their bio, and their voting history. Then leave them a well-written, polite, and urgent message entreating them to vote against Harry Reid's bill. Call them too if you can (calls are better than e-mails). If you have a fax machine, print out a letter and fax it to them (faxes are even better than calls). You can even do all three, which is the very best of all.
Speak out today and make sure they hear your voice before this comes to a final vote.