Peace and good will among men- there is little more I can think of that would make a more wonderful Christmas gift than to have peace and good will among men. It cannot and will not happen unless we acquire a spirit of peace and good will in our own hearts as individuals.
We must love and respect others and their inherent dignity as human beings. We must never aggress, we must never coerce, and we must never be so arrogant or believe ourselves so infallible as to think that we have a legitimate claim on the coercion of another human life.
Merry Christmas!
And a Happy New Year!
Best wishes to all of you, my readers, friends, visitors, and fellow patriots in the fight against tyranny, injustice, war, corruption, poverty, ignorance, greed, and hatred. Let us be as a light in a darkening world!
Here's to your health, safety, happiness, goodness, and long life this Christmas Holiday! Cheers!