Do visit the link and check it out. I have added a whole lot of new libertarian blogs and websites (which does mean sadly, I have had to remove some). There were several glaring oversights and I am very happy to have rectified them.
I have also elected to start advertising on the top 100 page because it is the very first result on Google for the search term "libertarian websites" so libertarian advertisers might want to tap into that highly-targeted, very warm market to promote their websites. Visit here for details.
Please don't feel bad if yours didn't get included or got bumped from the list. No slight is intended. Use it as motivation to make your libertarian blog or website even better (and consider getting some professional help from a political blogging expert). This list is never final or set in stone (as evidenced by this second revision in one year).
I just want to make the list as helpful and comprehensive as possible, and my criteria and methodology are admittedly unscientific.