Joe Kennedy running for Massachusetts Senator
I.T. professional Joe Kennedy (no relation to the American political family) is running to fill the vacant seat from Massachusetts left by the deceased Ted Kennedy.
Libertarian Reactions to Closing Guantanamo
Obama's decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center received mixed responses from notable libertarians. Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr and the founder of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist came out in favor of Obama's move. And along with these two, American Conservative Union founder David Kean wrote a letter asking other conservatives to quit scaremongering about this issue. Meanwhile, 2010 US Senate candidate Rand Paul touched off a firestorm of controversy among his libertarian grassroots Internet base by strongly opposing Obama's decision.
Can the Libertarian and Green Party Work Together?
"I'm happy for us Libertarians to work with Greens on issues where we agree. I'm happy for Greens to be better civil libertarians, I'm happy for Libertarians to more green, and I'm happy for both to promote electoral reform, ballot access, and decentralizing government. But I'm against libertarian-leaning voters casting their vote in a way that announces they want less economic liberty or less personal liberty... [Full Article]"
What libertarians are looking for
"On November 10th, the Rainy Day Patriots (the group organized in conjunction with Birmingham Tea Parties) and Campaign for Liberty hosted a gubernatorial debate in Springville, Alabama... During the debate, Robert Bentley, Tim James and Bill Johnson all presented themselves as fiscal conservatives. However, one of these candidates decisively won the straw poll following the debate... [Full Article]"
Why Libertarianism Fails
This libertarian feels impotent against the entrenched wealth redistribution mindset. My response: Don't worry, sir! Populism is actually giving our side a boost at present (e.g. the Tea Parties among other things) as the government's redistribution seems to be steeply regressive these days. And with the resurgence of interest in libertarian thought, we may very well inspire an entire generation of "anti-redistributionists."
Was Dostoyevsky a libertarian?
"Dostoyevsky, like Huxley, sees that universal happiness is not the answer to the dilemma of human existence. He sees that the desire to systematically distribute 'happiness' throughout humanity is just as morally flawed as it is bound to fail. Most importantly, Dostoyevsky understands that despite however much one may claim to 'love' mankind (as an abstraction), that doesn’t mean he loves his fellow human beings on an individual basis (i.e. love his 'neighbor'). [Full Article]"
Libertarian calendar girls launch fundraiser
"LOLA, the Ladies of Liberty Alliance, have launched a fundraising effort to get their organization off the ground and into full pursuit of their primary goal, as stated on their website: 'Conspiring to attract libertarian women into the movement one activist at a time.' [Full Article]"